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De ce sunt imbracata atat de elegant? Sa spunem ca sarbatoresc evolutia lui Vlad de la ultima noastra conversatie pe blog legata de alimentatie si gradinita. Mda, radeti, radeti, dar eu ma duc sa deschid sampania! Yuuuhuuu!


EN: Why am I dressed so elegantly? Let’s say I’m celebrating Vlad’s evolution since our last conversation on the blog about food and kindergarten. Yes, laugh all you want, but I’m going to open the champagne bottle! Yuuuhuuu!

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Doar cu vreo 11 ani mai tanara

Mai e foarte putin si vine ziua mea. Implinesc 32 de ani! 32????!!! Doamne, ce mare sunt. Parca nu ma simt asa de mare, precum reiese din certificatul de nastere sau din codul numeric personal de pe buletin, care incepe cu 2! Ca pe vremea mea… cu 2 incepea maica cnp-ul. Cu alte cuvinte, sunt exact in perioada aia a bilanturilor, exact ca inainte de Revelion.


EN: My birthday is soon coming up. I am turning 32! 32????!!! God, I’m all grown up. I don’t feel so grown up, like I should according to my birth certificate, which starts with 2! Because back in my days…that’s how they began with the number 2. In other words, I am right in the time of looking back on what has happened, just like before New Year’s.

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Prima zi de gradinita


Abia asteptam sa va povestesc cum a fost prima zi de gradinita…


EN: I was very anxious to tell you about the first day at kindergarten…

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Primul weekend de toamna

Primul weekend de toamna si ultimul de dinaintea inceperii gradinitei! Voi cum va pregatiti copiii pentru gradinita?


EN: The first weekend of Fall and the last one before kindergarten starts! How do you prepare your kids for kindergarten?

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Imbracata ca o mama

Iata si ultima tinuta din seria dedicata lansarii modelului Moon Flowers, formata dintr-o rochie cu a carei lungime efectiv m-am dezobisnuit. Pai, ce, asa se imbraca o mama?!?


EN: Here’s the latest outfit dedicated to the launch of the Moon Flowers model, made up from a dress with a size I am not used to anymore. Is this what a mother dresses like?

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Intrevedere dupa o saptamana

Ne-am intors acasa din Sarajevo azi-noapte, asa ca azi de dimineata ne-a trezit din somn dorul de Vlad. O saptamana intreaga – cea mai lunga pauza de pana acum.


EN: Last night we returned from Sarajevo, so this morning we woke up missing Vlad. An entire week- the longest break so far.

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