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Vesti bune…

Noiembrie si decembrie sunt cele mai aglomerate luni din an pentru mine. Se aduna o multime de proiecte pentru blog, o multime de filmari, evenimente de prezentat, multe campanii caritabile, plus spectacolele de la teatru si, desigur, Moon by Dana Rogoz. Nu mai stiu de mine, efectiv, dar stiu macar ce face Rulota Moon din 23 noiembrie, timp de o luna: se va intoarce in AFI Cotroceni!


EN: November and December are the busiest months of the year for me. A lot of projects for the blog are piling up, a lot of shootings, events to present, many charitable campaigns, plus the theatre plays and, of course, Moon by Dana Rogoz. I literally don’t know what to do first, but at least I know what the Moon Trailer does for the next month, starting with November 23rd: it will be back in AFI Cotroceni!

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O calatorie in jurul lumii…

Weekendul acesta, intoarsa acasa destul de obosita dupa multele ore petrecute la targul V for Vintage, am inceput sa caut pe net idei de destinatii de vacanta pentru iarna aceasta. Si, din una in alta, am dat peste: “RTW trip with a toddler”.

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Hooded Moon

Cu foarte mare bucurie va prezint Hooded Moon, primele hanorace cu fete detasabile de pe Pamanat.

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Ne pregatim de cumparaturi

Sigur ca o sa spuneti ca a venit iarna si ca uite, e frig, in noiembrie e ceata, o sa vina decembrie, ploios si cu temperaturi glaciale, iar in ianuarie si februarie o sa avem parte de ger si viscol. Ei bine, daca unii se pregatesc moral sa faca fata unui lung sir de intemperii inevitabile ale naturii, eu ma pregatesc de cumparaturi.


EN: Surely you’ll say that winter is coming and that it’s cold, foggy in November, December is on it’s way, rainy and with freezing temperatures, and January and February will be also freezing. Well, if some are getting ready to face a long streak of bad weather, I am getting to shop.
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Toamna in Stockholm

Ultimul set de poze din Stockholm. Probabil si cele mai frumoase.


EN: The last set of pictures from Stockholm. Probably the most beautiful.

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Brand romanesc?! Pe bune?!

De fiecare data cand am purtat aceasta rochie am primit reactii pozitive: “Vaaai, ce frumoasa eeeee! Da’ ce bine iti vine! Are un material bestial!”. Si cand le-am spus ca e de la “un brand romanesc”, oamenii au fost si mai surprinsi. Eu de mult nu ma mai mir cand vad ceva cu un design interesant, bine croit si din materiale bune MADE IN ROMANIA. Yey!


EN: I only received positive reactions every time I would wear this dress: “Wooow, it’s so beautiful! It looks so good on you! The fabric is awesome!”. And when I told them it’s from a “Romanian brand”, people were even more surprised. As for myself, I’m not so astounded anymore when I see something with an interesting design, nice cut and good fabrics MADE IN ROMANIA. Yey!

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