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Cate cadouri incap pe o lista?

Un nou sezon al cadourilor, o noua provocare, o noua nebunie! Astazi am fost cu Radu in mall sa cautam o prima parte din cadourile lui Mos Craciun, ca asa se ambitioneaza el sa lase cadourile tuturor prin magazine, cu etichete de pret pe ele! Si cautand noi dulciuri si masinute, ne-am dat seama amandoi in fix acelasi moment, cu un mic licar de panica in ochi, ca situatia este foarte grava pentru ca nu avem un singur cadou de luat…..avem probabil vreo 31987 de cadouri de gasit, dupa chipul si marimea fiecarui prieten, frate, cumnata, mama si tot asa. Banuiesc ca si voi stati tot cam la fel, asa ca iata, de data aceasta am si o posibila solutie care sper sa va mai dezlege cateva mistere, dar si un Concurs!


EN: A new season for gifts, a new challenge, again a crazy time! Today, Radu and I went to the mall looking for part of Santa’s gifts, because that’s what he does: he leaves everyone’s gifts in the stores, with price tags on them! And while looking for candy and toys, we both realized at the same tome, with a shimmer of panic in our eyes, that the situation is very serious, because we don’t have one single gift to buy…we have about 31987 gifts to find, according to the look and size of each friend, brother, sister-in-law, mother and so on. I guess it’s about the same with you, so this time I might have a possible solution to solve a few mysteries, but also a Contest!

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Un român adevarat

Stiu ca azi toata lumea a postat numai cuvinte de lauda despre tara noastra si cu totii ne-am mandrit de toate cele romanesti. Totusi, m-am gandit ca perspectiva lui Vlad asupra acestei sarbatori o sa va amuze.


EN: I know that today everyone posted nothing but praises for our country and we have all taken pride in everything that is Romanian. Still, I thought about Vlad’s perspective on this celebration and I’m sure it will amuse you too.

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Brunch cu fetele

Duminica, m-am intalnit cu castigatoarele concursului organizat recent pe blog impreuna cu elmiplant la un brunch la mine acasa, mai exact in Studio Moon. Hai sa va povestesc cum a fost…


EN: On Sunday, I met with the winners of the contest recently organized on the blog together with elmiplant, for a brunch at my house, to be more precise in Moon Studio. Let me tell what it was like…

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Te iubesc

Pentru ca in tinuta asta port fata detașabila inimioara, despre care Vlad spune ca “arata cat de mult te iubesc pe tine, mama, si pe tine, tata”, m-am gândit să vă povestesc cum am reacționat la prima declarație de iubire din partea lui.


EN: Because in this outfit I am wearing the detachable cover little heart, the one which Vlad says about that it “shows how much I love you, mum, and you, dad”, I thought about telling you how I reacted to his first love declaration.

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Dragi prieteni, am fost nominalizată la Elle Style Awards si in acest an si, daca va doriti, imi puteti acorda votul vostru aici.


EN: Dear friends, for the second year in a row, I have been nominated for the Elle Style Awards and, should you wish to do so, you can vote for me here.

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Si diminetile voastre sunt agitate?

Diminetile mele sunt agitate. Ne trezim cu totii, apoi incepe nebunia: ii pregatesc hainutele lui Vlad, in timp ce Radu incearca  sa ii explice cum sta treaba cu spalatul pe dinti. Apoi ii pregatesc ghiozdanul, in timp ce Radu pune repede cateva lucruri de mic dejun pe masa. Daca apuc sa fac si o clatita sau o omleta, inseamna ca suntem perfect in grafic cu timpul pana in acel moment. Radu trage un tricou pe el, eu pun un hanorac pe mine, cainii latra ca vor afara, in timp ce alergam sa gasim masinuta pe care isi doreste Vald sa o ia cu el la gradi… Este o nebunie completa in casa noastra de la 7:30 pana la 9. Si cred ca fix la fel se intampla in toate casele cu copii mici. De fapt, sper ca asa se intampla. Adica, chiar va rog din suflet sa imi spuneti ca si la voi e dementa dimineata, ca sa nu ma deprim. Si totul e contra-cronometru! Tot timpul suntem in intarziere, tot timpul trebuie sa ne grabim, iar daca totusi reusim sa il ducem la ora care trebuie la destinatie, simt ca meritam un premiu! Si premiul asta sa fie macar o cafea bauta in tihna.

EN: My mornings are hectic. We all wake up, then they crazy starts: I get Vlad’s clothes ready, while Radu tries to explain to him about washing his teeth. Then I get his backpack ready, while Radu sets the breakfast table. If I manage to prepare a pancake or an omelet, that means we are right on schedule. Radu puts on a t-shirt, I put a hoodie on, the dogs are barking because they want to be let out, while we are running around trying to find the little toy car Vlad wants to take to kindergarten with him… It’s a total madness in our home between 7:30 and 9. And I think it’s just the same in every house with small children. Actually, I hope it’s the same. So, please tell me it’s the same with you every morning, so I don’t get depressed. And everything is against the clock! We are always running late, we always have to rush, and if we do manage to get him on time to his destination, I feel like we deserve an award! And that award should be at least having a good coffee.

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Ingrijirea in sezonul rece

Atentie! Urmeaza un articol care contine: o sedinta foto de stil personal, sfaturi de ingrijire in sezonul rece, ritualul meu detaliat si argumentat, plus un concurs prin care ofer 10 invitatii la un brunch la mine acasa – adica in Moon Studio – exact duminica viitoare!


EN: Watch out! Coming up an article which contains: a personal style photo shooting, advice for skin care during the cold season, my detailed and explained ritual, plus a contest through which I am giving out 10 invitations to a brunch at my house- meaning Moon Studio- precisely next Sunday!  

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