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Totul a inceput cu o provacare primita de la Andreea Raicu de a purta culoarea preferata timp de 3 zile. Am ales galbenul si, desi cele 3 zile s-au incheiat, eu continuu sa imi umplu contul de Instagram cu postari in care aceasta culoare puternica este vedeta, ca intr-un soi de dependenta. Da, imi place galbenul. De aceea azi am ajuns sa postez o fotografie cu 12 (!!!!) oua ochiuri de prepelita…. Va invit sa descoperiti aceasta rochie galbena superba, dar si detalii despre 2 concursuri care se desfasoara in paralel pe contul de Instagram si pe cel de Facebook.


EN: It all started with a challenge I received from Andreea Raicu to wear my favorite color for 3 days. I chose yellow and, even though the 3 days are over, I am still filling my Instagram account with posts in which this strong color is the star, as in some sort of addiction. Yes, I like yellow. That’s why today I posted a picture of 12 (!!!!) quail eggs… I invite you to discover this gorgeous yellow dress, but also details about 2 contests which take place at the same time on both my Instagram and Facebook account.

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Va cer ajutorul pentru vacanta de vara

Vara aceasta plec in Sicilia cu familia. E prima oara cand vizitez aceasta insula, asadar orice sfat e mai mult decat binevenit.


EN: This summer I am going to Sicily with my family. It’s my first time on this island, so any advice is more than welcome.

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White Moon

Ieri m-am intors din tabara… ah, pardon, de la TIFF, si m-am pus pe treaba. Mai sunt doar cateva zile pana la Happy Run, asa ca daca vreti sa intrati in echipa “Lunatecelor”, acum e momentul sa profitati de ocazie.


EN: Yesterday I got back from camp…oh, sorry, I meant from TIFF, and I am back in business. There are only a few days left until Happy Run, so if you want to join the “Lunatics Team”, now’s the time to do it.

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Vine vara, bine-mi pare!

Ultimele zile de primavara sunt aici, iar saptamana viitoare avem (aproape) un weekend continuu! Vine vara! Si ce poate sa spuna VARA mai mult decat niste zile libere pe care le poti petrece foarte bine la mare sau la munte, undeva departe de nebunia orasului! Oriunde ati pleca insa, sfatul meu pentru shoppingul de vara este sa pastrati fondurile principale pentru vacante si sa directionati un mic buget prietenos catre o noua garderoba. Mai precis colectia TEX, disponibila in magazinele Carrefour si la noua adresa de shopping, este o astfel de solutie perfecta: haine clasice, de buna calitate si cu preturi tare bune.
EN: The last days of spring are here, and next week will be (almost) a continuous weekend! Summer is coming! And what says SUMMER better than a few days off which you can spend at the seaside or in the mountains, somewhere far away from the crazy busy city! But no matter where you head off to, my advice for summer shopping is to keep your main budget for vacations and to spend a small friendly budget on a new wardrobe. To be more precise the new TEX collection, available in all Carrefours hypermarkets and online at the new shopping address, is such a perfect solution: classical pieces, of good quality and for very reasonable prices.

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Lunatecele merg la Happy Run

Vreti sa mergem impreuna la Happy Run pe 9 iunie? Sa facem echipa “Lunatecelor”? Daca da, am si o propunere pentru voi: de azi si pana pe 8 iunie, la fiecare plic Moon cumparat, veti primi automat si ticket-ul de inscriere la Happy Run!


EN: Do you want to join me for the Happy Run on the 9th of June? So we can be the “Lunatics” team? If your answer is yes, I have a proposal for you: from today until the 8th of June, for every Moon clutch bought, you’ll also get a ticket for Happy Run!

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The Rider

O noua postare din seria Fashion& Films, adica un nou film recomandat, dar si o tinuta inspirata de acesta.


EN: A new blog post from the Fashion& Films series, which means another recommended movie, but also an outfit inspired by it.

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Fashion & Films

Va marturisesc cat se poate de sincer ca incepusem sa ma plictisesc sa fac shooting-uri de stil personal. Dar de cand asociez tinutele cu anumite filme, tot procesul mi se pare mai interesant. De data aceasta, costumul bej ma duce cu gandul catre un film comercial, dar amuzant la vremea lui: Ocean’s Eleven.


EN: I must confess that I was beginning to get bored of personal styling photo shootings. But ever since I started associating the outfits with certain films, the entire process seems more appealing. This time, the beige suit makes me think of a commercial movie, but funny in its time: Ocean’s Eleven.

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