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Poza de Desktop

Hai ca mi-am gasit poza de desktop! Acestea sunt primele imagini din Sicilia, care surprind unul dintre putinele momente de liniste deplina din vacanta noastra. Mi-am pus costumul de baie, mi-am luat o carte buna si am facut plaja unde nu era nicio plaja, ci o livada de maslini, leandrii si dealuri domoale.


EN: Looks like I found my desktop photo! These are the first images from Sicily, which capture one of the few moments of complete tranquility in our vacation. I put on my bathing suit, grabbed a good book and sat in the sun where there was no beach, but an olive tree orchard, oleanders and soft hills.

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Genul programului: Festival.

De cand m-am intors din vacanta, repet in fiecare zi pentru un nou spectacol de teatru, inclusiv in weekend-uri. Am astfel ocazia sa fac ce imi place, iar asta ma bucur foarte mult, imi dau o stare buna. Dar trebuie sa recunosc ca si gandul ca weekend-ul viitor voi face o mica pauza si voi merge la Untold ma entuziasmeaza… Atat de tare, incat in ultima vreme imi cumpar numai haine potrivite pentru festival. Iata o idee de tinuta…


EN: Since I got back from vacation, I am rehearsing every day for a theatre play, including weekends. I get the chance to do what I like, and that brings me lots of joy, it gives me a good mood. But I must admit that the thought of taking a short break next weekend to go to Untold gets me excited… So much so, that lately I started shopping for festival outfits. Here’s an idea for an outfit…  

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Leonardo Da Vinci si sansa de a-i vedea inventiile

Ieri am trecut prin AFI Cotroceni si m-a surprins una dintre cele mai interesante expozitii pe care le-am vazut in ultima vreme: 44 de reproduceri dupa unele dintre cele mai cunoscute schite ale lui Leonardo da Vinci. Sigur, toata lumea stie de frumoasa Mona Lisa care locuieste acum la Luvru, insa genialitatea lui Da Vinci nu se rezuma la picturile sale, ci si la inventiile lui.


EN: Yesterday I stopped by AFI Cotroceni and I was surprised to see one of the most interesting exhibitions I have seen lately: 44 reproductions of some of the most known sketches of Leonardo da Vinci. Of course, everyone knows about the beautiful Mona Lisa who lives at the Louvre now, but Da Vinci’s genius doesn’t mean just his paintings, but also his inventions.  Read More

Daca iti doresti cu adevarat…

Tot aud in jurul meu ca “Daca iti doresti cu adevarat, vei reusi!”. Pe bune?! Uneori, indiferent cat de mult iti doresti, indiferent cat de mult muncesti si cat de perseverent esti, visurile nu se implinesc. Pentru ca unele lucruri tin de sansa. Punct.


EN: All around me I keep hearing that “If you really want it, you can do it!” Seriously?! Sometimes, no matter how much you want something, no matter how hard you work for it and how perseverant you are, dreams don’t come true. Because some things also rely on chance. Period.

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Aud tot mai multi oameni in jurul meu care viseaza la o afacere proprie, la un proiect pe sufletul lor. Pe cate dintre prietenele mele nu le-am auzit ca si-ar dori sa aiba o ceainarie micuta candva, ori sa isi deschida un atelier de croitorie, ori sa faca papusi, torturi, decoratiuni pentru evenimente… oricum cu totul altceva decat fac in momentul de fata. Si se gandesc la evadarea aceasta ani de zile. Ani in care isi imagineaza cum incep, cat de greu le va fi, cine le va sustine si cum vor sarbatori succesul. Astazi va vorbesc despre campania #KeepGoing, prin care 3 dintre acesti visatori vor primi cate 5.000 lei fiecare, pentru ca visurile sa inceapa totusi sa devina realitate.


EN: I keep hearing about lots of people around who dream of owning a business, a project they really care for. So many of my friends want to someday own a small tea shop, or open a design workshop, or make dolls, cakes, event decorations… something completely different thatn what they’re doing now. And they have been thinking about this escape for years. Years during which they imagined how they start, how hard it will be, who will support them and how they’ll celebrate success. Today I am talking to you about the campaign #KeepGoing, through  which 3 dreams will get 5,000 lei each, so their dreams can eventually become reality.

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Tinuta de vacanta

Va scriu din Sicilia, desi pozele din aceasta postare sunt din Israel, de langa Tel Aviv. Dar “tinuta de vacanta” e aceeasi – costumul de baie preferat, o pereche de ochelari, bronzul si zambetul relaxat.

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Gata, plecam!

Hey. Ma pregatesc sa plec spre aeroport in vacantaaaaaa! Sicilia, venim! Bagajul e inca deschis in mijlocul camerei, dar eu totusi – iata – va scriu. Oricum, v-am pregatit cateva postari in avans, ca sa nu ramana blogul pustiu, precum desertul din imagini …

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