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Recomandari de carti

La aceasta postare aveti ocazia sa o admirati pe Perdita proaspat iesita de la coafor (oh la la), dar si sa faceti recomandari de carti citite recent. Ar fi o postare la care ne-am putea intoarce mai multi pe viitor, atunci cand nu  vom sti ce roman sa alegem mai intai.


EN: In this post you will have the chance to admire Perdita freshly groomed (oh la la), but also to make recommendations for books you have read recently. It could be a post to which we might return in the future, when we won’t know which novel to pick first.

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Technology Addiction

Va scriu din Carturesti. Tocmai am dat de un fel de joc numit “21 Days to Stop technology addiction”. Il cumpar.


EN: I am writing to you from Carturesti. I just found a game called “21 Days to Stop technology addiction”. I’m buying it.

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Din pasiune

In ultimii ani, m-am gandit de mai multe ori daca as putea trai in alta tara. Cum ar fi sa emigrez, sa o iau de la zero altundeva? Asa mi-am dat seama ca ceea ce ma tine foarte legata de tara asta este si profesia mea, caci nu as putea juca in alta limba, indiferent cat de bine as cunoaste-o la un moment dat. Pentru ei as fi intotdeauna un expat si cel mult as putea spera la un rol de romanca, poloneza, moldoveanca… ocazional. Mda, nu as putea renunta la actorie.


EN: Lately I have been thinking quite often about whether or not I could live in a different country. What would it be like for me to emigrate, to start from scratch somewhere else? That’s how I realized that what keeps me very connected to this country is also my profession, because I could never act in another language, no matter how well I would know it at some point. To them I would always be an expat and the best I could hope for would be the role of a Romanian, a Polish, a Moldavian…. occasionally. Well, I could never give up acting.

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O toamna cu chef de viata

Toamna este ziua mea si a unora dintre cele mai bune si vechi prietene ale mele, asa ca intotdeauna mi se pare ca acest sezon are un aer de prospetime. Dupa vara sufocanta vin deodata: o racoare placuta, apusuri senzationale, soarele superb de octombrie si sezonul tricoturilor, paturicilor de lana si a vinului rosu. E ceva tare romantic la acest anotimp, nu poate sa nege nimeni asta!


EN: Both mine and some of my best friends birthdays are in fall, so I always feel like this season brings a breath of fresh air. After the suffocating summer we all of the sudden have: a pleasant chilly temperature, sensational sunsets, the beautiful October sun and the perfect season for knitwear, wool blankets and red wine. There’s no denying that there’s something very romantic about this season.

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Ziua de ieri a fost minunata, in primul rand datorita lui Vlad si Radu, care m-au rasfatat in fiecare moment al zilei.


EN: Yesterday was absolutely wonderful, especially thanks to Vlad and Radu, who spoiled me throughout the entire day.

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33 ani

Azi implinesc 33 de ani. Imi imaginez cum ar fi o carte a carei eroina traieste fix viata mea de pana acum. Ar fi un roman cu o intriga puternica, data de copilaria mea atipica. Ar fi pasaje pe care le-as putea cataloga desprinse dintr-un univers fantastic. Altele, mai degraba absurde. Dar unde duce povestea asta? Unde duce?! Pai hai ca de acum inainte sa umplu paginile numai cu momente epice. Punctul culminant il simt aproape. Promit sa am curaj sa traiesc viata asta din plin.


EN: Today I turn 33. I imagine what a book about my life would sound like. It would be a novel with a powerful twist, given by my atypical childhood. There would be passages in it which might sound like they’re taken out of a fictional universe. Others would be more likely absurd. But where does this story lead to? Where is it taking me?! Well, from now I want to fill its pages only with epic moments. I feel like the peak point is near. I promise to have the courage to live this life to its fullest.  

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