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Chitara Electrica

Intotdeauna mi-am dorit sa cant la chitara. Unii dintre voi stiti deja ca anul trecut am luat si cateva cursuri. Insuficiente, totusi. Dar nu ma las. Asadar, chitara electrica din imagini nu e chitara mea, ci una pe care o puteti castiga voi, daca mergeti sa vedeti MO la Cinema City. Detalii aici.

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Distractii de weekend

Incepe weekendul iar in oras este deja o atmosfera exuberanta, parca e o petrecere continua inca de saptamana trecuta, de la Noaptea Muzeelor. Ma entuziasmez mereu cand sunt lucruri care se intampla in oras, dar mai ales cand noaptea e agitatie pe strada si multa lumea vesela, bine dispusa, discutand despre arta si lucruri frumoase. O sa spuneti ca e aglomeratie, insa eu cred ca orasul pare viu si relaxat asa.


EN: The weekend is here and there’s already a bubbly atmosphere in town, it seems like a never ending party since last week’s Museum Night. I always get excited when things are going on in the city, but especially when at night the streets are full of happy, loud people, discussing art and beautiful things. You will say it’s crowded, but I think the city looks alive and relaxed.

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Picnic cu soundtrack vienez

Un eveniment care chiar nu trebuie ratat, cu intrare libera: pe 26 mai, in Parcul Unirii, de la ora 21.15, se desfasoara probabil cel mai frumos picnic al anului din Bucuresti, pe acorduri vieneze: Vienna Summer Night Concert. Suna mi-nu-nat!


EN: An event you can’t miss, with free entrance: on May 26th, in Unirii Park, at 21.15, probably the most beautiful picnic of the year in Bucharest will take place: Vienna Summer Night Concert. Sounds lo-ve-ly!

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Radio Seven

Indiferent cata muzica voi descarca in telefon sau pe laptop, indiferent cate albume am sau voi mai cumpara, intotdeauna radio-ul ma va atrage cu mirajul si forta lui de neegalat.

 EN: No matter how much music I download into my laptop or phone, no matter how many albums I own or buy, the radio will always fascinate me, with its unique charm and strength.

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Summer Well 2015

Summer Well e un festival care devine tot mai bun de la an la an. Nu e doar muzica, e mult mai mult de atat…

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