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Moon Party 6 ani

Pe 6 feb Moon a implinit 6 ani. Si pentru ca odata cu aceasta aniversarea Moon a pasit pe taram american, petrecerea a avut tema “Route 66”.


EN: On the 6th of February, Moon turned 6. And since with this anniversary Moon has walked on American soil, the theme of the party was “Route 66”.

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6 ani Moon by Dana Rogoz

Maine, 6 feb, Moon implineste 6 ani! 6 ani de la lansarea plicului cu fete detasabile. 6 ani in care am sarbatorit pe rand lansarea Lumanarilor cu Ravas, a Parfumului, a Tricourilor, a Hanoracelor sau a Broselor, produse care au bucurat mii de oameni. Si vestea cea mare la aceasta aniversare este ca Moon ajunge acum in …. America!


EN: Tomorrow, February 6th, Moon will be 6 years old! 6 years since the launch of the clutch with detachable covers. 6 years during which we have celebrated the Fortune Candles, Perfume, T-shirts, Hoodies or Brooches, products which have brought joy to thousands of people. And the big news on this anniversary is that Moon also goes to…America!

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Aud tot mai multi oameni in jurul meu care viseaza la o afacere proprie, la un proiect pe sufletul lor. Pe cate dintre prietenele mele nu le-am auzit ca si-ar dori sa aiba o ceainarie micuta candva, ori sa isi deschida un atelier de croitorie, ori sa faca papusi, torturi, decoratiuni pentru evenimente… oricum cu totul altceva decat fac in momentul de fata. Si se gandesc la evadarea aceasta ani de zile. Ani in care isi imagineaza cum incep, cat de greu le va fi, cine le va sustine si cum vor sarbatori succesul. Astazi va vorbesc despre campania #KeepGoing, prin care 3 dintre acesti visatori vor primi cate 5.000 lei fiecare, pentru ca visurile sa inceapa totusi sa devina realitate.


EN: I keep hearing about lots of people around who dream of owning a business, a project they really care for. So many of my friends want to someday own a small tea shop, or open a design workshop, or make dolls, cakes, event decorations… something completely different thatn what they’re doing now. And they have been thinking about this escape for years. Years during which they imagined how they start, how hard it will be, who will support them and how they’ll celebrate success. Today I am talking to you about the campaign #KeepGoing, through  which 3 dreams will get 5,000 lei each, so their dreams can eventually become reality.

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White Moon

Ieri m-am intors din tabara… ah, pardon, de la TIFF, si m-am pus pe treaba. Mai sunt doar cateva zile pana la Happy Run, asa ca daca vreti sa intrati in echipa “Lunatecelor”, acum e momentul sa profitati de ocazie.


EN: Yesterday I got back from camp…oh, sorry, I meant from TIFF, and I am back in business. There are only a few days left until Happy Run, so if you want to join the “Lunatics Team”, now’s the time to do it.

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Lunatecele merg la Happy Run

Vreti sa mergem impreuna la Happy Run pe 9 iunie? Sa facem echipa “Lunatecelor”? Daca da, am si o propunere pentru voi: de azi si pana pe 8 iunie, la fiecare plic Moon cumparat, veti primi automat si ticket-ul de inscriere la Happy Run!


EN: Do you want to join me for the Happy Run on the 9th of June? So we can be the “Lunatics” team? If your answer is yes, I have a proposal for you: from today until the 8th of June, for every Moon clutch bought, you’ll also get a ticket for Happy Run!

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Moon 5 Party

A trecut o luna de cand am sarbatorit cei 5 ani Moon, dar amintirile sunt inca foarte vii.


EN: It’s already been a month since our 5 years of Moon anniversary, but the memories are still very much alive.

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Cine poarta Brosa Moon…

Hey! Tocmai ce am ales castigatoarele prin random la postarea concurs anterioara, asa ca intrati aici sa verificati daca nu sunteti pe lista celor 5 Lunatece norocoase. In plus, chiar in acest moment se lucreaza zeci de alte brose personalizate, semn ca acest produs a fost extrem de bine primit de catre voi. E clar, acum trebuie sa imi fac una cu “happy”, cu “bucurie” sau cu “reusita”. Puteti comanda in continuare produsele dorite pe, profitand si de ultimele 2 zile de reduceri aniversare. Iar in weekend ne vedem la Targul Dichisar! Voi veni cu o selectie de Brose Moon, din care sa o alegeti pe cea care va deveni martisorul acestui an. Moon este oglinda ta.


EN: Hey! I just picked out the winners for the previous contest post, so please check here if you are on the list of the 5 lucky Lunatics. Plus, right as we speak, other tens of personalized brooches are being worked on, which is a sign that this product has been well received by you. It’s clear, now I have to make one for me with “happy”, “joy” or “success”. You can still order your favorite items on, also taking advantage of the last 2 days of anniversary sales. And this weekend I’ll see you at Dichisar! I will be there with a selection of Moon brooches, from which you can choose the one that will become your “martisor” this year. Moon is your mirror.