Valentine’s Day Gifts for Her
Ha, doar nu credeati ca v-am uitat, nu? Nu stiu ce tactica vreti sa abordati- un iPad “uitat” discret la aceasta pagina chiar langa el, pe canapea? Sau poate un link pe chat urmat de “Ah, scuze, era pentru prietena mea acest link!”? In orice caz, oricare ar fi metoda de a-i arata ce-ti doresti de Ziua Indragostitilor, tine minte ca cel mai important lucru este sa fiti impreuna: fie ca este la un film, la teatru, la un restaurant sau in pijamale, uitandu-va la un serial.
EN: Ha, you didn’t think I forgot about you, did you? I don’t know what tactics you’re going to adopt- an iPad left lying around with this page open? Or maybe a link sent while chatting, followed by “Oops, sorry, that was supposed to be for my friend!”? Anyway, however you choose to show him what you want for Valentine’s Day, just remember that the most important thing is to be together: at the movies, at the theatre, at a restaurant or in your pj’s, watching a TV show.