Totul despre BraveCut
Cred ca in fiecare zi, de la sfarsitul lunii septembrie si pana azi, cate cineva m-a intreabat, usor contrariat, “De ce te-ai tuuuuuns???”. Imi crescuse foarte mult, in ani de zile, asa ca schimbarea a fost evidenta. Adevarul e ca imi doream de mult timp sa ma tund, dar parca tot nu im gaseam curaj. Aveam nevoie de acel imbold care sa nu ma faca sa regret niciodata decizia. Si l-am gasit: BraveCut!
EN: I think every day, since the end of September and until today, someone asked me: “Why did you cut your haaaaiiiir???”. It grew very long over the years, so the change was obvious. The truth is that I had wanted to cut it for a long time, but I couldn’t find the courage to do it. I needed that push to make me not regret my decision ever. And I found it: BraveCut!