Acest articol este dedicat celor care au crezut ca au peretii casei suficient de grosi, ca au camerele suficient de umbrite si racoroase, dar care totusi, cand se trezesc acum dimineata si se dau jos din pat, lasa cearceaful ud de la cele aproape de 30 de grade absolut innebunitoare. Deci, acesta este un articol pentru cei in cautarea unui aer conditionat. Dar si pentru cei care vor sa stie de la cine am primit cadou aceasta rochie adorabila.
EN: This post is dedicated to those who thought the walls in their houses are thick enough, that their rooms are shady and cool enough, but who still wake up in the morning and leave a wet bedsheet behind from the dazzling 30 degrees during the night. So, this is an article for those in search of an AC. But also for those who wish to know where I got this adorable dress from.