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Serialele noi si vechi

Intotdeauna mi-a placut sa ma uit la filme. Ar fi de-a dreptul ciudat sa nu-mi placa avand in vedere meseria aleasa. La fel si in cazul lui Radu. Asadar, urmarim impreuna seriale si filme de scurt si lung-metraj, incepand cu cele nominalizate si premiate la festivalurile de film din lume si pana la … animatii. Plus, fireste, multe filme romanesti. In ultima vreme insa, iar aici zic de cativa ani, serialele au devenit din ce in ce mai bune si au “furat” (si continua cu ambitie sa o faca) putin din aura pe care doar filmele o avea mai demult. Adica acum 10 ani nu era niciun serial (care sa nu fie o comedie) care sa aduca laolalta povesti senzationale sau actori care pana atunci jucau exclusiv in filme de lung metraj. Insa calitatea productiilor a crescut fantastic, iar acum serialele “se bat” cu filmele cot la cot.


EN: I always loved watching movies. It would be completely weird if I wouldn’t enjoy it, considering my profession. It’s the same for Radu. So, we watch series and motion pictures or short movies together, beginning with the most nominated and awarded ones at world wide film festivals and ending with… animations. And of course, many Romanian films. But lately, and I mean for the past few years, series have gotten better and better and have “stolen” (and continue to do so with ambition) a part of the aura that only films used to have in the past. 10 years there wasn’t any movie (except comedies) which would bring together sensational stories or actors who up until then only used to star in motion pictures. But the quality of the productions has increased significantly, and now TV series are running against movies and it’s a close tie.

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Ne vedem la cinema

Sunt cateva filme care continua sa isi faca loc printre gandurile mele, asa, din senin, parca fara niciun motiv anume, desi poate ca le-am vazut cu ani in urma. Sunt filme cu care pur si simplu m-am obisnuit sa traiesc, la fel cum traiesti zi de zi cu amintirile din copilarie, chiar daca acum ai la randul tau copil. Unul dintre acestea este “A Woman Under the Influence”(1974) al lui John Cassavetes. Acum, in timp ce scriu despre el, parca mi se pune un nod in gat. Si ma gandesc la mama mea.


EN: There are a few films which continue to haunt me every now and then, out of the blue, for no reason whatsoever, even if I have watched it a couple of years ago. They are films I have gotten used to living with, just as you live every day with childhood memories, even if you have your own child now. One of these is “A Woman Under The Influence” (1974) by John Cassavetes. Now, as I am writing about it, I feel a tear coming up. And I think of my mother.

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Mi-am propus sa incep anul pe blog cu o poveste inspiranta. Nu are cum sa fie vremea de afara cea care ma face sa ma simt pusa pe treaba, ci “de vina” este pur si simplu energia cu care m-a incarcat Filip Ghiorghi, atunci cand am stat de vorba cu el.


EN: I wanted to start off the year on the blog with an inspiring story. It’s not the weather outside that makes me want to get to work, it’s simply the energy Filip Gheorghi has given me, when we got together to talk.

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Filmul Mo

Filmul “Mo”, pe care l-am filmat împreună cu Radu in lunile februarie – martie ale acestui an si in care joc alături de Răzvan Vasilescu si Mădălina Craiu, a fost selectat la Festivalul Internațional de Film de la Sarajevo, la secțiunea Work in Progress. Mare bucurie, va zic.


EN: The film “Mo”, which I have filmed together with Radu in February and March this year and in which I star along Razvan Vasilescu and Madalina Craiu, has been selected for the Sarajevo International Film Festival, in the category Work in Progress. Great joy, I’m telling you.

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Cum am petrecut la TIFF

Vizionat cat mai multe filme de dimineata si pana seara, petreceri, culcat la 4 jumate dimineata sau si mai in zori, pus alarma la 8 – 9 si luat totul de la capat. Cam asa de fain a fost la TIFF. Inca resimt oboseala, dar prefer sa va scriu acum, cand inca mai sunt senzatiile proaspete.


EN: Watching as many movies as possible, from morning ’til late at night, parties, going to bed at 4 am or even later, setting the alarm for 8-9 am and starting all over again. That’s how great TIFF was. I am still tired, but I prefer writing to you now, while the sensations are still fresh in mind.

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Femeia care isi paraseste barbatul

Castigatorul marelui trofeu la TIFF a fost filmul georgian “My Happy Family”, care spune povestea unei femei de vreo 50 de ani care isi paraseste barbatul, fara sa fi fost batuta, fara sa fi fost inselata, alegand sa traiasca singura intr-un apartament inchiriat, unde isi permite sa asculte muzica ei preferata, sa citeasca, sa corecteze in liniste lucrarile elevilor ei si sa manance tort la cina.


EN: The winner of the main TIFF award was the Georgian movie “My Happy Family”, which tells the story of a woman in her 50s, who leaves her husband, without ever being beaten, cheated on, and chooses to live alone in a rented apartment, where she can afford to listen to her favorite music, read, correct her students’ papers in peace and quiet and have cake for dinner.

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Festival de Cannes 2017

Cum a fost la Cannes? Ce vedete ai vazut? Dar filme?…. de cand m-am intors, primesc in fiecare zi aceste intrebari, asa ca e momentul sa va povestesc pas cu pas cum am trait aceasta experinta.


EN: What was Cannes like? Which stars did you see? What about the movies?… ever since I came back, I get these questions every day, so it’s time I told you step by step how I have lived this experience.

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