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Lucky Number 3 Moon Party (part II)

Restul de poze de la petrecere promise, dar si extragerea celor trei castigatoare ale tricourilor cu fete detasabile – Moon TSHIRT!


EN: The rest of the promised pictures form the party, but also the names of the three winners of the t-shirts with detachable covers – Moon TSHIRT! 
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Valentine’s Day Gifts for Her


Ha, doar nu credeati ca v-am uitat, nu? Nu stiu ce tactica vreti sa abordati- un iPad “uitat” discret la aceasta pagina chiar langa el, pe canapea? Sau poate un link pe chat urmat de “Ah, scuze, era pentru prietena mea acest link!”? In orice caz, oricare ar fi metoda de a-i arata ce-ti doresti de Ziua Indragostitilor, tine minte ca cel mai important lucru este sa fiti impreuna: fie ca este la un film, la teatru, la un restaurant sau in pijamale, uitandu-va la un serial.


EN: Ha, you didn’t think I forgot about you, did you? I don’t know what tactics you’re going to adopt- an iPad left lying around with this page open? Or maybe a link sent while chatting, followed by “Oops, sorry, that was supposed to be for my friend!”? Anyway, however you choose to show him what you want for Valentine’s Day, just remember that the most important thing is to be together: at the movies, at the theatre, at a restaurant or in your pj’s, watching a TV show.

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Valentine’s Day in High School

Nu suntem toti pe aici din aceeasi generatie, dar cert e ca pe vremea liceului meu abia se lansase trendul “Sfantul Valentin” si era cea mai cool chestie posibila. Inca nici nu aparuse comparatia cu Dragobetele! Adica citeai despre sarbatoarea asta in manualul de engleza si ziceai “mamaaa, ce romantiiiiiccc”! Sigur, aveam si un pic alta varsta…


EN: Not everyone here is the same age, but I’m positive that while I was in high school, the Valentine’s Day trend just started and it was the coolest thing possible. Comparing it to Dragobete wasn’t a thing yet! So you read about this holiday in the English manual and thought to yourself: “Wooow, that’s so romantic!” Of course, we are all a different age back then. 

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Next Destination: Tokyo

Imi doresc de mult timp sa vizitez Japonia, iar una dintre cele mai bune prietene de-ale mele s-a intors de acolo cu o multime de povesti senzationale. In primul rand si ea a facut exact ce as face si eu: s-a holbat fara rusine la oameni toata ziua! Apoi a facut ceea ce facea toata lumea acolo: o multime de poze! Doar ca unii dintre voi ar putea ajunge acolo inaintea mea – castingand un super mega concurs organizat de Syoss. Drept urmare, v-am facut mai jos o lista ce locuri as vizita eu, dar si o scurta descriere a spectaculosului street style din Tokyo.


EN: I have wanted to visit Japan for a long time, and one of my best friends has returned with many sensational stories from there. First of all she did exactly what I would do: she shamelessly stared at people all day! Then she did what everyone else does: she took a lot of pictures! But some of you may get there sooner than me – winning a super mega contest by Syoss. Therefore, I made you a list of places I would visit, but also a short description of the spectacular Tokyo street style.

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Match Me If You Can

Planurile noastre de Sfantul Valentin…
EN: Our Valentine’s Day plans…

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