Back to Australia
Poze noi din vacanta din Australia. Mi-era tare dor de ele (si cred ca si voua un pic).
EN: New pictures from our holiday in Australia. I missed them a lot (and I think you did too).
Poze noi din vacanta din Australia. Mi-era tare dor de ele (si cred ca si voua un pic).
EN: New pictures from our holiday in Australia. I missed them a lot (and I think you did too).
Azi va propun 3 tinute smart casual pentru acest sezon, din noua colectie TeX. Deci, stiti deja, urmeaza sa vedeti tinute lejere, potrivite atat pentru birou, cat si pentru o iesire cu fetele sau iubitul la sfarsitul programului, si – nu in ultimul rand – tinute foarte accesibile.
EN: Today I am presenting to you 3 smart casual outfits for this season, from the new TeX collection. So, you already know that you are about to see comfortable outfits, perfect both for the office and for a girls’ day out or a date with your boyfriend, and – last but not least – very affordable.
E vreme de stat acasa in trening. Incerc sa nu cad in plasa asta… Stay chic, girls!
EN: This weather almost makes me stay at home in my sweat pants. I’m trying not to…Stay chic, girls!
Vreau sa va multumesc pentru entuziasmul cu care ati primit noul proiect al blogului. Zilele trecute ati urmarit portretul video al Ralucai Zlotea – Medic specialist Anestezie si Terapie Intensiva – iar acum va invit sa urmariti continuarea primului episod Girl on the Moon Project: 5 Tips.
EN: I would like to thank you for the enthusiasm you have received the new project of the blog with. A few days ago you have watched the video portrait of Raluca Zlotea– doctor specialized in Anesthesiology and ICU – and now I invite you to see the second part of the first episode of the Girl on the Moon Project: 5 Tips.
Dragii mei, va invit pe noua terasa a casei mele…
EN: My dears, I invite you to the new terrace of my house…
Poze uitate prin laptop, de luna trecuta, cand lacul era inca inghetat.
EN: Photos I forgot about, from last month, when the lake was still frozen.