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Culorile sezonului

Hey! Se cheama ca port “culorile sezonului”. Dar, sincer acum, in ce sezon de vara nu s-au purtat culorile pastel? Doar ca cele doua par a fi acum mai cu mot.


EN: Hey! Looks like I’m wearing “the colors of the season”. But honestly now, weren’t pastels a thing in every summer season? It just seems like these two are more special.

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Reinterpretare Retro

O rochie pe care o poti purta cu bocanci la primul concert rock al verii, cu tenisi pentru o plimbare pe seara in parc sau cu niste sandale romane vara pe faleza. Dar pe mine talia ei joasa m-a dus cu gândul la anii 20 – 30, asa ca am zis ca o reinterpretare a lor ar fi surprinzatoare si totodata binevenita.


EN: A dress you can wear with boots at the first rock concert of the summer, with sneakers for an evening walk in the park or with some roman sandals at the beach in the summer. But its low waist made me think of the 20’s-30’s, so I said that a reinterpretation would be surprising and mostly welcome. Read More

Outfit “in miscare”

Vrei sa iti lansezi un blog? Cauta o nisa, incearca sa vii cu o perspectiva noua, chiar daca vorbim de un singur domeniu extrem de larg numit Fashion ori Lifetyle. Acum aproape 6 ani cand am lansat acest blog, erau foarte putine astfel de bloguri la noi tara. Acum in schimb sunt foarte multe, iar unele chiar foarte bune. Asadar, acum se naste nevoia de a te diferentia.


EN: Do you want to start your own blog? Find a niche, try bringing a new perspective, even if we are talking about one single area which is very broad and called Fashion or Lifestyle. Almost 6 years ago, when I started this blog, there were few blogs like this in our country. Now on the other hand there are lots, and some of them are really good. So, this is when then need to be different arises.

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In pregatire…

Ieri am avut o zi de filmare pentru un lungmetraj, iar de maine incep pregatirea pentru un altul, despre care o sa ma tot auziti vorbind, caci este cel mai dorit si asteptat proiect al meu. Pregatirea in aceasta etapa presupune inclusiv faptul ca o sa imi petrec destul de mult timp pe la ASE. Deci, poate ne vedem la o cafea in fata facultatii. Ori poate ma si luati cu voi la un curs-doua, asa, fara “credite”. Si sa nu uit, in aceasta perioada repet si pentru un alt spectacol de teatru, care va fi in idis – o limba pe care nu o cunosc absolut deloc. Deci provocari peste provocari!


EN: Yesterday I had a shooting day for a motion picture, and starting tomorrow I will begin preparing for another one, which you will hear a lot of from me, because it is my most wanted and most expected project. At this point preparing also means that I will be spending a lot of time in ASE (Academy for Economic Sciences). So, maybe I’ll see you for coffee outside the university. Or maybe you’ll take me along to one or two of your classes, without “credit points”. And so I don’t forget, currently I am also rehearsing for another theatre show, which will be in Yiddish- a language I have absolutely no idea of. So challenge after challenge!

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Un weekend stylish

Dupa o saptamana intreaga in care incerci sa coordonezi cat mai bine tinutele, in care jonglezi cu outfit-urile de birou si cele de iesit in oras, in weekend esti tentata sa porti un trening 2 zile? Si eu! Tocmai pentru ca e destul de greu sa te concentrezi cand de fapt ar trebui sa te relaxezi si sa te simti bine, m-am gandit ca trei propuneri de tinute ar prinde bine.


EN: After a whole week of trying to put together the best outfits you can, after joggling between office and evening wear, during the weekend do you feel tempted to wear sweat pants for 2 days? Me too! Since it’s really hard to focus when in fact you should be relaxing, I thought that 3 outfit proposals would be just what you need.

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