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Culorile prefera originalul

Lasa-ne pe mana o imprimanta foto mie si lui Radu si ne-ai gasit de lucru. Va prezint una dintre cele mai inedite sedinte foto dedicate blogului, dar si detalii despre un concurs “colorat”.
EN: Just give a photo printer to me and Radu and we’ll keep ourselves busy. I present to you one of the most unique photo shootings for the blog, but also some details about a “colored” contest.

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Esarfa ca rochie

Sunt o multime de variante in care poti purta o esarfa. Ce pot sa va spun este ca varianta pe care am ales-o eu, si anume esarfa ca rochie, este super usor de realizat. Va arat imediat cat de usor poti obtine acest look care pare foarte sofisticat.


EN: There are many possibilities to wear a scarf. What I can say is that the option I chose, the scarf as a dress, is super easy to make. I will show you right away how easy it is to get this look which seems sophisticated.

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Retrospectiva video

Nu stiu daca ati observat, dar am luat in calcul sugestiile voastre, iar acum video-urile cu “tinutele in miscare” arata altfel. Asta si datorita ajutorului primit de la FotografulTau. Iata asadar cele mai recente filmulete cu outfiturile de pe blog, care va stau tot timpul la dispozitie si pe canalul meu de YouTube.


EN: I don’t know if you have noticed, but I have taken your suggestions into consideration, and now the videos “outfit on the move” look different. Also thanks to the help of FotografulTau. Here are the most recent movies with the outfits on the blog, which are also available on my YouTube channel.

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Cum sa faci cumparaturi smart

Pentru mine smart shopping inseamna sa stau cu ochii pe cele mai bune oferte si sa nu ma indragostesc prea tare de primul lucru pe care il vad. Practic, rabdarea la cumparaturi este unul dintre cele mai importante atuuri pe care le poti avea si recunosc ca nu e la indemana, mai ales daca esti pasionata de moda si iti place sa te imbraci in tendinte. Exercitiul rabdarii e cu atat mai greu cu cat vin in curand reducerile de sezon… si atunci sa te tii! Asa ca m-am gandit sa imi intreb cateva prietene despre ce inseamna pentru ele smart shopping si apoi sa va spun despre o super-oferta pe care nu puteti sa o ratati zilele acestea.


EN: For me, smart shopping means watching out for the best offers and not falling too hard for the first thing I see. Basically, patience is one the most important assets you can have and I admit it doesn’t come easy, especially if you are passionate about fashion and you like to dress according to trends. The patience exercise is much harder when it comes to season sales…beware! So I thought about asking a few of my friends about what smart shopping means for them and then I’ll tell you about a super offer you can’t miss these days.

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Ieri la piata o vanzatoare foarte draguta imi spune: “Sa-l pupi pe Vladut din partea mea. Am aflat cum il cheama din reclama de la televizor!”. Ei bine asa am aflat eu ca reclama Prigat e deja pe TV, si ca pot in mod oficial sa va anunt ca sunt noul ambasador al campaniei “Atleti de zi cu zi”. Iata-ma in 4 ipostaze de “atlet de zi cu zi”, ipostaze in care alerg de dimineata si pana noaptea, cu zambetul pe buze si increzatoare in fortele proprii.


EN: Yesterday at the market, a really nice sales woman said to me: “Give Vlad a kiss from me. I found out his name from the TV commercial!”. Well, that’s how I found out that the Prigat commercial is already on TV, and that I can finally announce that I am the new ambassador of the campaign: “Everyday athletes”. Here I am as 4 different personae as an “everyday athlete”, running from dusk till dawn, smiling and confident in my own strengths.

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Timeless Cardigan

Acest cardigan este exact stilul meu. De ce? Pentru ca poate fi purtat in nenumarate feluri si doar stiti ca am aceasta “inclinatie” catre piesele versatile, cu mai multe “fete”.


EN: This cardigan is exactly my style. Why? Because it can be worn in many different ways and you know that I am “inclined” to wear versatile items, with many “faces”.

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Inovatie si istorie

UPDATE! Am facut tragerea la sorti si am aflat cei 5 castigatori:

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