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Parul sănătos la care ai visat mereu

UPDATE! Am facut extragerea celor 3 castigatori:

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Salopeta eleganta perfecta

Am gasit salopeta perfecta pentru petrecerile verii. Are un material fluid, care nu se sifoneaza!!!, are bretele subtiri elegante si feminine, si are lungimea ideala pentru a putea fi purtata cu tocuri, dar si cu flats, pentru petrecerile la care vei dansa pana dimineata. O iu-besc!


EN: I have found the perfect jumpsuit for the parties of the summer. It has a flowing fabric, which doesn’t wrinkle!!!, it has thin elegant and feminine straps, and it has the ideal length to be worn both with heels, and flats, for the parties where you are going to dance till the morning. I love it!

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Cu telefonul (4)

V-am promis acum cateva zile aceasta postare ce constituie un jurnal foto al scurtei mele calatorii la Paris, cu ocazia participarii la evenimentul Bal Rouge Flower by Kenzo. Dupa cum o spune si titlul, pozele sunt surprinse de catre mine cu telefonul si sunt postate in ordine cronologica. Deci, sa inceapa calatoria:


EN: A few days ago I have promised this post which is mainly a photo diary of my short trip to Paris, where I went for the Bal Rouge Flower by Kenzo event. As the title also says, the photos have been taken by me with my phone and are posted in a chronological order. So, let the journey begin:

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O mare surpriza a vietii

Uneori viata iti ofera mai mult decat ti-ai fi putut imagina vreodata, chiar si in cele mai frumoase vise, chiar si in cele mai curajoase proiectii, pe care ti-e oricum mult prea rusine sa le verbalizezi. Asa se intampla ca brandul Moon by Dana Rogoz devine international si ca un magazin ce imi poarta numele, ce gazduieste produsele create de mine, va exista acum in… Bruxelles!


EN: Sometimes life gives you more than you could ever imagine, even in the most beautiful dreams, even in the bravest projections, which you are too ashamed to verbalize anyway. So it happens that the Moon by Dana Rogoz goes international and that a shop under my name, which hosts products designed by me, will exist in…Brussels!

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Tot ce conteaza

Cele mai fericite momente din viata mea sunt cele petrecute cu familia. Doar ca niciodata nu sunt asa cum mi le-am imaginat, nu sunt ca in filme sau ca in reclame…

EN: The happiest moments in my life are spent with my family. But they are never as imagined, or in the movies or commercials…

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The Red Dress

De cand a aparut reclama Prigat pentru noua sticla de 0,5 L, o multime de lume ma opreste pe strada si ma intreaba: “De unde e rochia rosieeeee?????”. Ei bine, acum va dau toate detaliile si va explic cum o puteti castiga!


EN: Ever since the Prigat commercial for the 0,5 L bottle is on air, a lot of people have stopped me on the street to ask: “Where is the red dress from?????”. Well, now I can give you all the details and explain how you can win it!

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Micul Paris

Fotografiile de mai sus sunt realizate acum 2 ore, la o plimbare prin Micul Paris, purtand haine din Marele Paris, cumparate recent.


EN: The photos above were taken 2 hours ago, during a walk in Little Paris, wearing clothes from the Big Paris, bought recently.

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