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Cumparaturi de toamna

Cum se instaleaza luna august, cum incep sa ma gandesc la garderoba de toamna! De obicei cheful de toamna se instaleaza imediat dupa concediul la mare si soare- deci eu probabil ca saptamana viitoare, dupa calatoria in Grecia, o sa fiu gata sa incep sa ma gandesc la sezonul rece. Si, in asteptarea acestui moment, am adunat un mic wishlist de shopping in colajele de mai jos.


EN: As soon as August begins, I start thinking about the autumn wardrobe! Usually the autumn mood sets in right after the vacation at the seaside- so, next week, after my trip to Greece, I will probably be ready to start thinking about the cold season. And, while I am awaiting this moment, I have gathered a small shopping wish list in the collages below.

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Feeric Fashion Week – First Look

Anul acesta am participat pentru prima oara in viata mea la Feeric Fashion Week, aflat deja la a 9-a editie, si am fost cu adevarat impresionata. Pana si Radu, care stiti bine ca nu e vreun Fashion Addict, a concluzionat ca e o “saptamana a modei” care ar trebui si mai intens promovata atat in tara, cat si in strainatate, pentru ca merita!


EN: This year, for the first time in my life, I have attended Feeric Fashion Week, already on its’ ninth edition, and I was truly impressed. Even Radu, who you know all too well isn’t a Fashion Addict, concluded that it is a “week of fashion”, which should be promoted more intensely, both in the country and abroad, because it deserves it! 

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Weekend la Timisoara

Stau chiar bine la capitolul memorie, asa ca sunt aproape sigura ca m-ati intrebat de foarte multe ori pe blog sau pagina mea de Facebook: “Cand vii la Timisoara?” Ei bine, weekendul acesta vin special pentru voi pana acolo, asa ca luati pixul (sau telefonul) si notati-va programul pe care vi-l propun impreuna cu Shopping City Timisoara, locul nostru de intalnire:


EN: My memory usually serves me quite well, so I am almost certain that you have asked me many times, on my blog or my Facebook page: “When are you coming to Timisoara?” Well, this weekend I am coming over there, especially for you, so grab a pen (or phone) and write down the schedule I am proposing together with Shopping City Timisoara, our meeting place:

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Despre celulita…

Discutie intre fete, actrite, in cabina teatrului, chiar inainte de inceperea spectacolului: Una zice – “Doamne, sunt plina de celulita”, alta “Nu, e doar in capul tau!”, raspuns: “Nuu, e pe fund!”. Alta: “Eu sunt foarte complexata pe tema asta”. Alta: “Am intrebat un medic, si toate femeile au, daca strangi pielea, e ceva femeiesc, natural…”. “Voi stiti ca mama imi povestea ca pe vremea lor nu se punea accent pe acest aspect si ca era ceva considerat absolut normal: asta e forma corpului barbatului, asta e forma corpului femeii.” – Alta: “Deci practic pe vremea parintilor nostri sa ai celulita era ca si cand ai avea acum… alunite.” – “Exact.” – “Mda, si mama imi zicea ca prea exageram cu celulita asta…”…. V-am redat doar un pasaj de maximum 5 minute din conversatia noastra de ieri seara, din cabina teatrului. Hai sa dezvoltam noi acum discutia…


EN: Talk among girls, actresses, in the theatre dressing room, right before show starts: One says – “God, I have cellulite all over”, another “No, it’s only in your head!”, answer: “Nooo, on my bottom!”. Another: “I am very stressed by this subject”. Another: “I have asked a doctor, all women have it, if you squeeze the skin, it’s womanly, natural…”. “Do you know that my mom used to tell me that in their time this aspect wasn’t discussed too much and was considered absolutely normal: this is the shape of a man’s body, this is the shape of a woman’s body.” – Another: “So basically back then having cellulite was like having…beauty spots now.” – “Exactly.” – “Well, mom also says we exaggerate with this cellulite…” …. I have written a maximum 5 minute passage from our conversation yesterday evening, in the theatre dressing room. Let’s talk some more about this…

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Aniversare 4 ani de casatorie – Nunta de panza

De curand am sarbatorit 4 ani de la casatorie, adica Nunta de Panza (unii zic de Flori sau Fructe…), printr-o excursie de doua zile la Palatul Peles. Am mers impreuna cu Vlad, pentru ca aniversarea casatoriei a devenit mai mult aniversarea familiei noastre. Tot adunam: 12 ani de relatie, 4 ani de casatorie, 2 ani si 4 luni de cand suntem parintii lui Vlad… La multi ani!


EN: Recently we have celebrated 4 years of marriage, the Canvas Wedding (some say Flowers or Fruit…), through a two days trip to the Peles Castle. We went with Vlad, because the anniversary of our wedding has turned more into the celebration of our family. We’re still counting: 12 years of relationship, 4 years of marriage, 2 years and 4 months since we are Vlad’s parents…Happy anniversary!

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Metallic Trend

Sunt o mare fana a hainelor metalice, mai ales cand le indepartez de zona eleganta si le aduc in tinute urban cool. Fusta aurie cu tricou gri cu aspect uzat si tenisi. Sau o rochie argintie cu o parka sau camasa barbateasca kaki. Culorile metalice purtate alaturi de culori neutre sau nuante pamantii, mi se pare ca se potenteaza reciproc. Ce ziceti? Da sau Nu trendului metalic vara asta?


EN: I am a huge fan of metallic clothes, especially when I take them out of the elegant zone and into the urban cool outfits area. Gold skirt with a grey t-shirt with worn look and sneakers. Or a silver dress with a parka or kaki men shirt. I think that metallic colors worn together with neutral colors or earth tones highlight each other. What do you think? Yes or No to the metallic trend this summer?

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La plimbare prin Bruxelles

Putin fashion, putin travel, putin antreprenoriat…


EN: A bit of fashion, a bit of travel, a bit of entrepreneurship….

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