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Cum petrece Vlad de Halloween

E superb afara, cu toti copacii “yellow”, asa cum ii numeste Vlad, caci “galben” se pare ca ii suna acum “prea vechi”. Aseara am mers sa isi cumpere primul costum de Halloween, iar acum ne pregatitm sa plecam de acasa, catre primul spectacol de teatru din viata lui.


EN: It’s beautiful outside, with all the “yellow” trees, as Vlad calls them, because the Romanian word sounds “too old” to him. Last evening we went shopping for his first Halloween costume, and we are now getting ready to leave the house, to go to his first theatre show. 

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Si Ana e un Atlet de Zi cu Zi

Aceasta postare nu e despre mine, ci despre Ana Covalciuc si despre alti veritabili atleti de zi cu zi din vietile noastre.


EN: This post isn’t about me, it’s about Ana Covalciuc and about other true day to day athletes in our lives.

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Ce am facut la Iasi

Am revenit cu imagini si povesti de la scurta si recenta vizita de la Iasi, cu ocazia lansarii noului magazin Tezyo din Palas Mall. Au participat foarte multi bloggeri de fashion, iar in plus, Alin Galatescu a pregatit un catwalk special pentru eveniment. Drept urmare, in cele ce urmeaza veti avea la dispozitie multe imagini cu tinute extrem de interesante pentru acest sezon, completate de pantofii si gentile perfecte, de la Tezyo, desigur!

UPDATE poze cu mine pe podium!


EN: I’m back with pictures and stories from my recent short trip to Iasi, for the launch of the new Tezyo shop in Palas Mall. Many fashion bloggers have attended, and Alin Galatescu has prepared a catwalk especially for the event. Therefor, you will see many images with extremely interesting outfits for this season, completed by the perfect shoes and bags, from Tezyo, of course!

UPDATE pictures with me on the runway!

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Cura de filme

Am intrat la cura! Dar nu de slabit, ci la cura de filme. Doar ieri am vazut 3, in 3 cinematografe diferite!


EN: I am on a diet! But not to lose weight, I am on a movie diet. Only yesterday have I seen 3, in 3 different cinemas!

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Cat de mult m-am schimbat in ultimii ani

Ieri, in timp ce zburam cu avionul spre Bucuresti, m-am gandit mult la tata. Asa ca, printre nori fiind si eu, mi-am dat seama cu amaraciune ca el nu m-a mai prins asa, schimbata dupa ce am devenit mama, dupa ce am trecut pragul de 30 de ani si chiar dupa ce a murit el. Toate aceste evidente au contribuit, nu pot sa spun fiecare in ce masura, la schimbarea mea. Dar cred ca sunt un om mai misto acum. As fi vrut sa vorbesc cum sunt acum cu tata. Oare as fi facut-o sau nu asa cum imi imaginez, daca ar fi continuat sa traiasca pana la adanci batraneti?



EN: Yesterday, as I was flying back to Bucharest, I thought a lot about my father. Being among the clouds myself, I bitterly realized he never got to see me like this, changed after I became a mother, after turning 30 and even after he died. All these evidences have somehow contributed, I can’t say how much each of them, to my change. But I think I am a cooler person now. I would have liked to talk to my dad as I am now. I wonder if I would have done it like I imagine it or not, if he would have lived to be old and grey?

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Alerg catre noi destinatii

Rad de Vlad ca el cand vrea sa se deplaseze din punctul X in punctul Y nu merge, ci fuge. E prea entuziasmat de ce urmeaza sa descopere si vrea sa ajunga cat mai repede la destinatie. Cam asa sunt si eu acum. Alerg cu entuziasm catre noi “destinatii”, fie ca vorbim de un proiect de teatru nou pe care abia astept sa il incep, de un eveniment de fashion din tara ori un city break.


EN: I am laughing when Vlad is trying to get from X to Y but he isn’t walking, he’s running. He’s too excited about what he is about to discover and wants to get to his destination as fast as possible. That’s what I am like now. I am running enthusiastically towards new “destinations”, whether it’s a new theatre project which I can hardly wait to begin, a fashion event in the country or a city break.
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