Barcelona in 3 (Prima Parte)
Primele poze din Barcelona, vizitata intr-un city break de neuitat, in formula de 3:
Primele poze din Barcelona, vizitata intr-un city break de neuitat, in formula de 3:
Sunt foarte legata de trecut. Am aceasta senzatie ca, fata de oamenii foarte apropiati din jurul meu, eu cred ca detin recordul in povesti si amintiri din trecutul meu. Adica aproape orice conversatie sau intamplare din prezent naste in mine o lunga incursiune in trecut. Desigur, toata lumea isi aminteste zilnic momente din copilarie, ori adolescenta, ori momente importante din trecutul mai mult sau mai putin recent. Dar parca altii apeleaza la trecut intr-un mod mai detasat fata de mine, care parca incerc sa traduc tot prezentul prin trecut. Iar asta nu cred ca e un mod foarte intelept de a-ti trai viata…
EN: I am very connected to my past. I have this feeling that, compared to the close people around me, I think I hold the record for stories and memories from my past. Almost every conversation or happening from the present brings me to a long incursion in the past. Of course, every one remembers moments from their childhood, teenage years, or important moments from a more or less recent past, on a daily basis. But it seems like others relate themselves to the past in a more detached manner, unlike me, always trying to translate the entire present through the past. And I don’t think that’s a very wise way how to live your life…
E argintiu, editie limitata, metalic, mega in trend si super usor de asortat la orice. Chiar la orice! Potrivit pentru a completa tinutele de petrecere ale sfarsitului de an, dar si o tinuta casual chic, cu personalitate. L-am probat cu toate fetele detasabile existente, si mi se pare ca se pun in valoare reciproc, rezultatul fiind o geanta cu o mie de fete… de pe alta planeta: Plicul Moon Argintiu, editie limitata.
EN: It’s silver, limited edition, really high in trend and very easy to match with everything. Really everything! Suitable to complete the outfits for the end of the year party, but also a casual chic outfit, with personality. I have tried it with every detachable cover there is, and I think they highlight each other, the result being a clutch with a thousand covers…from another planet: the Silver Moon clutch, limited edition.
Gata! Am ajuns la zi, cu inca vreo 45 cele mai recente tinute. Raaaaduuu, hai sa iesim afara sa tragem repede poze noi pentru cel de-al 6-lea an! La multi ani, blogule! Ce mare te-ai facut!
EN: Done! We are up to date, with about 45 more of the most recent outfits. Raaaaduuuu, let’s go outside and shoot some new pictures for the 6th year! Happy birthday, blog! You’ve grown so big!
Inca nu am ajuns la zi, dar aveti mai jos peste 30 de tinute, prezentate tot in ordine cronologica de unde ramasesem. De unele dintre sedintele foto de mai jos chiar sunt foarte incantata. Hehe…ma laud singura. De fapt, trebuie sa il laud foarte tare si pe Radu, dar si pe Marius Tatu – editorul foto cu care lucrez – care, impreuna, potenteaza enorm orice tinuta purtata de mine. Mi se pare cea mai buna “portie” din aceasta serie de pana acum. Ce ziceti?
EN: I am still not up to date, but below you can find over 30 outfits, also in chronological order from where I left off. I am really excited by some of the photo shootings below. Hehe…I’m bragging. Actually, I have to praise Radu, but also Marius Tatu- the photo editor I am working with- who, together, bring out the best in every outfit I am wearing. I think this is the best part of the series so far. What do you think?
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Stiu, am promis ca voi reveni ieri cu aceste postari, cu restul tinutelor in ordine cronologica, dar…viata bate blogul. M-am intors in tara, iar Vlad e bolnavior. Cat timp a dormit, am reusit sa selectez urmatoarele tinute, de unde ramasesem postarea trecuta (sa urmariti cum se schimba vremea in poze):
EN: I know, I promised to get back to you with this post yesterday, with the rest of the outfits in chronological order, but…life beats blog. I came back from abroad, and Vlad is sick. While he slept, I managed to select the next outfits, where I left off in the previous post (watch how the weather changes in the pictures):
Astazi, blogul meu drag implineste 6 ani. Iti multumesc, blogule, ca existi si ca imi aduci atat de multa bucurie. Dupa 1852 de postari, 88,456 comentarii si milioane de vizite de-a lungul celor 6 ani, cred ca esti pregatit sa mergi la scoala… adica sa evoluezi tot mai mult si mai frumos. Unii dintre voi stiti deja ca de ziua blogului postez in ordine cronologica toate tinutele purtate in ultimul an. Sunt prea multe pentru o singura postare, asa ca azi voi urca mai multe postari, pana ajung cu outfiturile la zi. La multi ani!
EN: Today, my dear blog turns 6. Thank you, dear blog, for existing and for bringing me so much joy. After 1852 posts, 88,456 comments and millions of visits over the past 6 years, I think you are ready to go to school…to evolve more and be even more beautiful. Some of you already know that on the blog’s birthday I post all the outfits worn in the past year, in chronological order. There are too many for just one post, so today I will upload more posts, until the outfits are up to date. Happy birthday!