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Shopping in Centrul Vechi

Acum cateva zile am fost invitata la deschiderea unui nou magazin Koton, de data aceasta in Centrul Vechi. Cred ca nu sunt singura care se bucura cand aude de astfel de lansari de magazine in singura noastra zona pietonala din capitala. Ma bucur ca exista multe restaurante, cafenele, teatre, chiar si cluburi (nu ajung in ele decat cu vreo petrecere a burlacitelor, dar sunt constienta ca reprezinta o mare atractie pentru turisti, de exemplu), dar as vrea sa am posibilitatea sa fac shopping, ca in oricare alta capitala europeana, si in centrul orasului, nu doar intr-un mall.


EN: A few days ago I was invited to the opening of a new Koton store, this time in the Old Center. I think I am not the only one who is glad to hear about such shop openings in our only pedestrian area in the capital. I am happy there are many restaurants, cafes, theatres, even clubs (which I only go to for a bachelorette party, but I am aware they are a big attraction for tourists, for example), but I would also like to have the opportunity to go shopping, like in any other European capital, in the center of the town, not just in malls.

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New Chanel No 5 Event in Bratislava

Una dintre cele mai frumoase experiente de pana acum in postura de blogger a fost in mod cert participarea la evenimentul de lansare a noului parfum Chanel No 5 L’Eau in Bratislava. Multumesc inca o data echipei Chanel pentru invitatie si pentru toate momentele placute (si parfumate) petrecute impreuna.


EN: One of the most beautiful experiences so far as a blogger was definitely attending the launch event of the new Chanel No 5 L’Eau perfume in Bratislava. Thank you again to the Chanel team for the invitation and for all the pleasant (and scented) moments spent together.

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Oversized Denim Jacket

Momentul ala cand crezi ca nu mai ai cu ce sa te imbraci si deschizi sifonierul lui…

EN: That moment when you think you have nothing to wear and you open his closet…

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Barcelona in 3 (Partea a II-a)

Poze noi din Barcelona, mai precis din parcul Tibidabo.


EN: New pictures from Barcelona, more precisely from Tibidao park.

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Am curaj sa … WalkTall

Cum vine frigul, constat cum se produc incet-incet o sumedenie de schimbari: in garderoba personala (tocmai am desfacut toate cutiile si sertarele cu pulovere si hainele mele groase, ca sa le am la indemana) , in felul in care imi organizez timpul pentru sedintele foto pe blog (e foarte complicat sa termini tot pana nu se intuneca), dar si schimbarea prin care trece in mod evident tenul meu. Pentru cei interesati de beauty, vorbim azi despre acidul hyaluronic, nu ala de bagat in buze, ci ala bun de tot din cremele pe care eu le folosesc de la elmiplant.


EN: As soon as it gets cold, I can see how a lot of changes happen slowly: in the personal wardrobe (I just opened all the boxes and drawers with the warm clothes and sweater, so they are close by), in the way I organize my time for the photo shootings on the blog (it’s very complicated to get everything done before it gets dark), but also in the process my skin is obviously going through. For those of you interested in beauty, today we are going to talk about hyaluronic acid, not the one for lip injection, but the good one in the creams I use from elmiplant. 

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Haine de iarna

Imi place sa cred ca fiecare dintre noi are o selectie de haine de iarna pe care si le doreste, insa stiu ca multi nu au timpul necesar sa rascoleasca internetul si sa gaseasca variantele cele mai fericite pentru ocaziile care apar iarna, pentru gerurile si viscolele care asteapta sa vina sau pur si simplu pentru o zi absolut normala. Asa ca am facut ce stiti ca imi place mie sa fac cel mai mult: putin online shopping!

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