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Behind the scenes

In spatele fiecarei imagini cu mine sta ceea ce deja stiti prea bine: o viata hiper-activa, un Radu care ma sustine, ma intelege si ma alinta, un Vladut care imi fura si inima si energia, un business pentru care muncesc mult si la care tin chiar si mai mult si un blog de care sunt absolut dependenta!


EN: Behind every picture of me there is something which you already know too well: a hyper active life, a supportive Radu, who understands and caresses me, a Vlad who steals my heart and energy, a business which I work hard for and which I really care about and a blog I am absolutely addicted to!

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Spring Colors

Una dintre sedintele mele foto preferate, dedicate acestui blog. Cel putin de cand am parul scurt.


EN: One of my favorite photo shootings, dedicated to this blog. At least since I have short hair.

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Diferente de stil

Va scriu aceste rânduri chiar de pe plaja, unde tocmai a început ploaia, deși e soare și sunt peste 30 de grade. E foarte plăcut, doar ca mi s-a udat teribil de tare telefonul mobil pe care testez aceste cuvinte….


EN: I am writing to you from the beach and it just started to rain, even though it’s sunny and over 30 degrees. It’s very nice, it’s just that my phone got really wet…

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Starea vremii

La noi sunt peste 30 de grade, dar pentru multi dintre voi aceasta ținută este una potrivita vremii. Primavara e cel mai bun anotimp pentru suprapuneri.


EN: We have over 30 degrees over here, but for many of you this is a weather appropriate outfit. Spring is the best time for layers.

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Un secret dulce

Mantra mea? Nicio zi fara dulce! Cand i-am spus asta antrenorului meu personal a ras mult si apoi mi-a spus ca e ok, ca am voie dulce, insa cu bun-simt si eventual in prima parte a zilei. Nu stiu cat de bine ma descurc sa respect chestia sta, mai ales ca acum am un nou motiv sa “incalc” regulile….


EN: My mantra? Not a day should go by without sweets. When I told this to my personal trainer he laughed a lot and then said it’s ok, that I’m allowed to eat sweets, but in a normal amount and possibly in the first part of the day. I don’t know how good I am at respecting this, especially now that I have a new reason to break the rules…

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