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Fashion & Films

Va marturisesc cat se poate de sincer ca incepusem sa ma plictisesc sa fac shooting-uri de stil personal. Dar de cand asociez tinutele cu anumite filme, tot procesul mi se pare mai interesant. De data aceasta, costumul bej ma duce cu gandul catre un film comercial, dar amuzant la vremea lui: Ocean’s Eleven.


EN: I must confess that I was beginning to get bored of personal styling photo shootings. But ever since I started associating the outfits with certain films, the entire process seems more appealing. This time, the beige suit makes me think of a commercial movie, but funny in its time: Ocean’s Eleven.

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Ne vedem la cinema

Sunt cateva filme care continua sa isi faca loc printre gandurile mele, asa, din senin, parca fara niciun motiv anume, desi poate ca le-am vazut cu ani in urma. Sunt filme cu care pur si simplu m-am obisnuit sa traiesc, la fel cum traiesti zi de zi cu amintirile din copilarie, chiar daca acum ai la randul tau copil. Unul dintre acestea este “A Woman Under the Influence”(1974) al lui John Cassavetes. Acum, in timp ce scriu despre el, parca mi se pune un nod in gat. Si ma gandesc la mama mea.


EN: There are a few films which continue to haunt me every now and then, out of the blue, for no reason whatsoever, even if I have watched it a couple of years ago. They are films I have gotten used to living with, just as you live every day with childhood memories, even if you have your own child now. One of these is “A Woman Under The Influence” (1974) by John Cassavetes. Now, as I am writing about it, I feel a tear coming up. And I think of my mother.

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THE Camasa

O noua camasa isi face (cu greu) loc in dressingul meu. – asta ca sa bifam partea de “fashion” a blogului. Si copilul s-a intors din tabara – asta pe partea de parenting. Travel nu am, momentan.


EN: A new shirt which can hardly fit into my wardrobe- that’s so we check the “fashion” part of the blog. And the child is back from camp- that’s the parenting part. Nothing about travel for now.

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Scoasa din priza

Ati putea crede ca daca am copilul plecat in tabara, timp de 3 zile voi putea face o gramada de “nebunii” interzise sau greu accesibile parintilor. Dar adevarul e ca ma simt complet scoasa din priza.


EN: You might think that if the child is away at camp, for 3 days I’ll be able to do plenty of “wild” forbidden things which are barely accessible to parents. But the truth is I feel completely drained.

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Cu schepsis

Ultimele zile inainte de … mini vacantaaaaa!


EN: Last days before the…. mini vacation!

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Traieste o primavara multicolora

Tare mi-as dori sa spun ca astazi, cand pasim in echinoctiul de primavara, vremea este placuta, insorita si calduta. Cum din pacate nu este cazul (inca), m-am gandit sa fac eu primul pas si sa aduc putina inviorare pe blog! Practic, daca primavara nu vine, o aduc eu singura aici, ca se stie ca daca vrei ceva facut bine, trebuie sa-l faci cu mana ta!


EN: I really would love to say that today, as we step into the spring equinox, the weather is nice, sunny and warm. But since this sadly (still) isn’t the case, I thought I should make the first step and bring a bit of cheering up to the blog! Basically, if spring isn’t coming by itself, I’ll make sure to bring it here, because we all know that if you want something to be done well, you should do it yourself!

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