Din pasiune
In ultimii ani, m-am gandit de mai multe ori daca as putea trai in alta tara. Cum ar fi sa emigrez, sa o iau de la zero altundeva? Asa mi-am dat seama ca ceea ce ma tine foarte legata de tara asta este si profesia mea, caci nu as putea juca in alta limba, indiferent cat de bine as cunoaste-o la un moment dat. Pentru ei as fi intotdeauna un expat si cel mult as putea spera la un rol de romanca, poloneza, moldoveanca… ocazional. Mda, nu as putea renunta la actorie.
EN: Lately I have been thinking quite often about whether or not I could live in a different country. What would it be like for me to emigrate, to start from scratch somewhere else? That’s how I realized that what keeps me very connected to this country is also my profession, because I could never act in another language, no matter how well I would know it at some point. To them I would always be an expat and the best I could hope for would be the role of a Romanian, a Polish, a Moldavian…. occasionally. Well, I could never give up acting.