Azi Moon by Dana Rogoz implineste 5 ani. La ora 7 seara, din rulota familiei in care imi venise ideea unei genti cu fete detasabile, alaturi de cateva prietene foarte bune, apasam butonul de “Publish” al primului articol legat de plicul Moon, dupa zile intregi de indicii.
EN: Today, Moon by Dana Rogoz turns 5. At 7 pm, from the family trailer where I first had the idea of a bag with detachable covers, together with a few close friends, I pressed the “Publish” button for the first blog post about the Moon clutch, after a couple of days of dropping hints.
Incerc sa imi aduc aminte prima rulota in care m-am suit in viata mea… Gata! Stiu! Aveam vreo 6 – 7 ani si eram in turneu cu Minisong in Franta. Toti copiii stateam pe perioada turneului la gazde – familii de francezi dornici sa gazduiasca copii talentati romani, gratis. Eu si fratele meu, Radu, nimerisem in acel turneu la o familie care a avea o rulota…
EN: I am trying to remember the first trailer I ever got in… I know! I was about 6-7 years old and I was on tour with the Minisong group in France. We were all staying with different families- French families eager to host talented Romanian kids for free. Me and my brother Radu were staying with a family who owned a trailer…
Mi-am propus sa incep anul pe blog cu o poveste inspiranta. Nu are cum sa fie vremea de afara cea care ma face sa ma simt pusa pe treaba, ci “de vina” este pur si simplu energia cu care m-a incarcat Filip Ghiorghi, atunci cand am stat de vorba cu el.
EN: I wanted to start off the year on the blog with an inspiring story. It’s not the weather outside that makes me want to get to work, it’s simply the energy Filip Gheorghi has given me, when we got together to talk.