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Un tort pentru orice ocazie

Cele mai bune torturi se mananca alaturi de persoanele dragi, iar in ultima vreme eu am inceput sa cochetez foarte mult cu ideea de torturi personalizate. La fiecare aniversare sau eveniment mi-a placut sa regasesc tematica nu doar in dress code sau in decorul petrecerii, ci si in torturile sau prajiturile servite.


EN: The best cakes are those shared with loved ones, and lately I have become very fond of the idea of personalized cakes. At each anniversary or special event, I liked finding the theme not only in the dress code or in the decorations, but also in the cake and cookies served.

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Intai mare la distractie

In anticiparea zilei de 1 mai, v-am pregatit cateva idei de tinute pentru diverse activitati: de la o seara la o terasa pana la un pranz la mare, sunteti acoperite!


EN: As we are all getting ready for the 1st of May, I have prepared some outfit ideas for you: whether it’s for an evening out on a terrace, or a lunch at the sea side, you’re all covered!

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Cateva idei la reducere

Sunt cateva piese care ti-ar prinde bine la aceasta tura de reduceri. Fie ca este vorba de rochita ideala pentru o nunta la care esti invitata in aceasta vara, fie ca e vorba de o pereche de pantofi pe care ti-i doreai insa costau mult prea mult, acesta este momentul sa iti pregatesti cardul. Aseaza-te comod, iesim la shopping online!


EN: There are a few items which are too good to miss on sales. Whether it’s the ideal dress for a wedding you are invited to this summer, or a pair of shoes you always wanted but were too expensive, this is the time to take out your credit card. Get comfy, we’re going online shopping!

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#1 Idei de cadouri: Prietena cea mai buna

Daca si pe tine te incurca putin febra cumparaturilor de cadouri de Craciun, m-am gandit ca un ghid ar fi tare util. Urmeaza o intreaga serie cu idei de cadouri pentru prieteni, iubiti si parinti, ca sa ajunga cate ceva la toata lumea, asa ca stati pe receptie!


EN: If you are also a bit aggravated by the Christmas shopping rush, I thought a guide would be very useful. An entire series about ideas for gifts to give to friends, lovers and parents is about to come, so that everyone gets something, so stay tuned!

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Culorile prefera originalul

Lasa-ne pe mana o imprimanta foto mie si lui Radu si ne-ai gasit de lucru. Va prezint una dintre cele mai inedite sedinte foto dedicate blogului, dar si detalii despre un concurs “colorat”.
EN: Just give a photo printer to me and Radu and we’ll keep ourselves busy. I present to you one of the most unique photo shootings for the blog, but also some details about a “colored” contest.

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Ieri la piata o vanzatoare foarte draguta imi spune: “Sa-l pupi pe Vladut din partea mea. Am aflat cum il cheama din reclama de la televizor!”. Ei bine asa am aflat eu ca reclama Prigat e deja pe TV, si ca pot in mod oficial sa va anunt ca sunt noul ambasador al campaniei “Atleti de zi cu zi”. Iata-ma in 4 ipostaze de “atlet de zi cu zi”, ipostaze in care alerg de dimineata si pana noaptea, cu zambetul pe buze si increzatoare in fortele proprii.


EN: Yesterday at the market, a really nice sales woman said to me: “Give Vlad a kiss from me. I found out his name from the TV commercial!”. Well, that’s how I found out that the Prigat commercial is already on TV, and that I can finally announce that I am the new ambassador of the campaign: “Everyday athletes”. Here I am as 4 different personae as an “everyday athlete”, running from dusk till dawn, smiling and confident in my own strengths.

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Vacanta de acasa

V-am pregatit cateva trucuri prin care puteți transforma balconul, terasa ori gradina în spațiul perfect pentru a petrece toate serile sau diminetile calduroase ce vor urma.


EN: I have prepared some tricks to transform your balcony, terrace or garden into the perfect space for spending the warm evenings or mornings that will follow.


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