La Multi Ani, Vlad! (part IV)
Indiferent cata muzica voi descarca in telefon sau pe laptop, indiferent cate albume am sau voi mai cumpara, intotdeauna radio-ul ma va atrage cu mirajul si forta lui de neegalat.
EN: No matter how much music I download into my laptop or phone, no matter how many albums I own or buy, the radio will always fascinate me, with its unique charm and strength.
Cand ii spui lui Vlad sa sufle, in mod sigur se va gandi ca trebuie sa faca ceva cu…nasul.
EN: When you tell Vlad he has to blow, he most certainly thinks his…nose.
“Nu avem wi-fi. Vorbiti unul cu atlul, ca si cand am fi in 1993.” Am gasit acest anunt simpatic exact la intrarea intr-un restaurant din Melbourne, si mi s-a parut genial.
EN: “There’s no Wi-Fi. Talk to each other, like it’s 1993.” I found this funny announcement right at the entrance to a restaurant in Melbourne and I thought it was pure genius.
Seria fotografiilor de la MNAC cu ocazia implinirii varstei de 2 ani continua…
EN: The series of photos from MNAC for Vlad’s second birthday continues…
Azi, Vlad implineste 2 ani. Sa fii fericit, sa fii sanatos, sa te bucure fiecare noua descoperire a acestei lumi si sa iubesti viata!
EN: Today, Vlad turns 2. May you be happy, healthy, excited with each new discovery of this world and love life!
Dragi prieteni,
De azi incepand va astept pe Un nou inceput, pentru care simt din plin emotiile, dar mai ales entuziasmul. Sunt fericita! E o uriasa satisfactie sa vad ca blogul meu trece intr-o noua etapa importanta a vietii lui, care aduce multe noutati: devine bilingv, va gazdui mult mai mult continut video, fashion, parenting, travel, dar si proiecte de lifestyle care sa va inspire sa traiti viata frumos. Blogging-ul nu e doar hobby, nu e doar meserie, e un stil de viata deja pentru mine. Cu pasiune, cu multa munca, cu optimism, cu bun simt, cu sinceritate, dar si cu un dram de nebunie … facem impreuna pasul catre Va multumesc pentru sustinere!
EN: Dear friends,
Starting today I will be expecting you on A new beginning, with plenty of emotions, but most of all enthusiasm. I am happy! It is a huge satisfaction to see my blog going through a new and important stage of its life, which brings many news: it becomes bilingual, it will host more video, fashion, parenting and travel content, but also lifestyle projects to inspire you to live your life beautifully. Blogging isn’t just a hobby, it’s not just a job, to me it is a way of life. With passion, with a lot of work, with optimism, common sense, honesty, but also with a bit of craziness…together we take the step towards Thank you for your support!
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