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Cu Telefonul (2): Tata si fiul

Stiati ca azi e Ziua Tatalui? Cica din 201o se sarbatoreste in mod oficial aceasta zi in a doua duminica din luna mai. Eu abia anul trecut am aflat de aceasta sarbatoare, si deja era prea tarziu sa ii mai urez tatalui meu “La Multi Ani” si sa-i spun ce simt pentru el. In schimb, azi Radu e sarbatoritul, un tatic tare mandru de baietii lui.


EN: Did you know it’s Father’s Day today? Apparently since 2010 it’s officially celebrated in the second Sunday in May. I only found about this celebration last year, and it was already too late to wish my father “Happy Anniversary” and tell him how I feel about him. On the other hand, today, Radu is being celebrated, a daddy who is very proud of his boys. Read More


Tocmai ce am primit un mail in care am aflat ca s-a dat start vot la Digital Divas 2016. Daca urmariti acest blog si credeti ca merit vreunul dintre premiile categoriilor la care sunt nominalizata (Best Use of Photography in Blogging, Best Instagram Account, Best Fashion Blog, People’s Choice Awards, The Digital Diva of The Year), atunci puteti sa ma votati aici. Multumesc. Si cu ocazia asta, hai sa va zic cum vad eu toata treaba asta cu bloggingul:


EN: I just received an email informing me about the start of the votes for Digital Divas 2016. If you are following this blog and if you think that I deserve any of the awards for the categories I was nominated for (Best Use of Photography in Blogging, Best Instagram Account, Best Fashion Blog, People’s Choice Awards, The Digital Diva of the Year), then you can vote for me here. Thank you. And on this note, let me tell how I see this whole blogging thing:

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Trei culori de primavara

Anul acesta cateva culori tomnatice si-au facut aparitia in siluetele de primavara-vara si adevarul e ca par foarte proaspete atunci cand sunt alaturate unor materiale fluide precum cupro sau matasea. Iata cum le-as purta eu:


EN: This year a few autumn colors have appeared in the spring-summer silhouettes and the truth is they look very fresh next to flowing fabrics such as cupro or silk. Here’s how I would wear them: Read More

Terasa mea – loc de sarbatoare

Hristos a Inviat! Sper ca ati petrecut frumos de Paste si ca mai pastrati inca in voi emotia acestei sarbatori. Pentru ca anul acesta am invitat familia si prietenii apropiati pe terasa casei noastre pentru a sarbatori impreuna, am zis ca e momentul sa va arat cum arata renovata, cu florile plantate, cu pergola ridicata la locul potrivit si cu o canapea inedita ce te indeamna la citit sau lenevit.


EN: Happy Easter! I hope you had wonderful holidays and that you are still experiencing the emotion of these past days. Because this year we have invited family and close friends on our terrace to celebrate together, I thought it’s a good time to show you what it looks like renovated, with planted flowers, with the pergola in the right spot and an unique couch which invites you to read or relax.

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Reflexia personalitatii

De cand cu renovarea casei noastre, am ajuns sa petrec mult mai multe ore pe site-uri de arhitectura cotemporana, design interior, mobila, covoare, electrocasnice, decat pe orice site sau blog de moda si stil personal. Plus ca inspiratia pentru fashion se poate naste din orice, inclusiv din aceste surse. Am facut genul acesta de exercitii pe blog, in care am creat tinute pornind de la deserturi, de la cocktailuri sau chiar de la pesti! Largind aria de inspiratie, ajungi la rezultate surprinzatoare. Si orice, chiar orice poate fi o sursa de inspiratie!  Asadar, de data aceasta am creat doua tinute pornind de la noua colectie de electrocasnice Gorenje, al carei design este creat de unul dintre cei mai originali artisti recunoscuți pe plan mondial, Philippe Starck.


EN: Since the renovation of our house, I ended up spending more time on sites for contemporary architecture, interior design, furniture, carpets, electronic appliances, than on any fashion and personal style site or blog. Plus, the inspiration for fashion can come out of everywhere, including these sources. I already did this kind of exercises on the blog, where I have created outfits starting from desserts, cocktails or even fish! By broadening the inspiration area, you can come to spectacular results! So, this time I have created two outfits starting from the new collection for electronic kitchen appliances by Gorenje, whose design is created by one of the most original artists known worldwide, Phillippe Starck.

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