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Rulota Moon la Palatul Brukenthal Avrig

E duminica, ascult muzica frantuzeasca mai veche (care ma emotioneaza de fiecare data in mod inexplicabil) si imi vine sa ma teleportez in aceste imagini…


EN: It’s Sunday, I’m listening to old French music (which inexplicably gets to me every time) and I feel like turning back time to these photographs…

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Trei idei trendy

Stiu prea bine ca inca este vara, insa va spuneam acum cateva zile ca mi s-a cam facut pofta de toamna. Si cum deja magazinele sunt pline de pulovere, geci si blugi, m-am gandit ca totusi nu e prea devreme sa incepi pregatirile pentru sezonul rece, chiar daca asta inseamna ca iti comanzi un trench de pe sezlong, in timp ce stai linistita la plaja. In fond, daca iti cumperi lucruri de toamna nu inseamna ca nu te poti bucura din plin de vara, nu?


EN: I know all too well it’s still summer, but a few days ago I was saying that I am already in the mood for fall. And since the stores are already full of sweaters, jackets and jeans, I thought it’s not too early to start preparing for the cold season, even if that means ordering a trench coat while lying in the sun. If you’re buying stuff for autumn, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy summer, right?

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Jurnal de mini calatorie in Germania

Aceasta sedinta foto este realizata in Germania, fiind invitata ca blogger sa vizitez celebrul Huf Haus Village. Haios e cum am ajuns acolo! Ati auzit de omul acela inchis din greseala la bagaje intr-un avion??? Ei bine, eu eram exact in acel avion….


EN: This photo session is made in Germany, where I was invited as a blogger to visit de famous Huf Haus Village. Funny is how I got there! Did you hear about the man who was accidentally locked with the luggage in an airplane??? Well, I was on that plane…

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Starea de vacanta

Scriu aceste rânduri în timp ce ma întorc in tara dintr-o vacanta de o săptămână. Suntem încă pe drum în mașină, iar Vlad fredonează în spatele meu câteva cântece doar de el știute. Nu știu voi cum sunteți, dar pe mine, la trecerea dintre “starea de vacanta” către “starea activa de lucru”, ma apuca panica.


EN: I am writing these lines while returning from a one week vacation. We are still on the road and Vlad is singing some songs only he knows. I don’t know about you, but for me, going from “vacation mode” to “working mode”, means panic.

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Podul Minciunilor

Cat timp sunt plecata in vacanta…
EN: While I am on vacation…

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Cu mare dor

Va scriu acum dintr-un camping din Bulgaria, cu Vlad langa mine, care isi cara primejdios olita din rulota – afara si tot asa, realizand cat de mare a crescut baiatul meu. Fiind in mijlocul Saptamanii Mondiale a Alaptarii, nu o sa va ma mai vorbesc despre avantajele alaptarii si despre ce sa faci daca iti doresti sa alaptezi, caci e plin netul de sfaturi. Acum, la mai bine de un an de cand nu il mai alaptez pe Vlad, vorbesc despre acest moment doar al meu si al lui cu mare mare mare DOR.


EN: Right now I am writing from a camping in Bulgaria, with Vlad nearby, dangerously carrying his potty out of the trailer- and back again, realizing how much my boy has grown. Since it’s World Breastfeeding Week, I am not going to speak about the advantages of breastfeeding and about what you have to do if you want to breastfeed, because the internet is full of advice. Now, after more than a year since I don’t breastfeed Vlad anymore, I am talking about this moment which was just mine and his, missing it a lot.

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