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Moon e pe harta PulS

La finalul anului trecut, Anca Ciofarla – artist vizual – a trecut pragul Moon Studio, si-a scos acuarelele, pensulele si tot ce ii era necesar, si-a ales unghiurile favorite si, intr-o atmosfera linistita, a inceput sa picteze. Prin programul PulS, 30 de de artiști au creat aproximativ 120 de lucrari de grafica si pictura, inspirate de locurile favorite ale acestora din Bucuresti.


EN: At the end of last year, Anca Ciofarla – visual artist- stopped by Moon Studio, took out her water colors, brushes and everything else she needed, chose her favorite angles and, in a quiet mood, started painting. Through the program PulS, 30 artists have created approximately 120 works of graphic and painting, inspired by their favorite places in Bucharest.

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#4 Idei de cadouri: Pentru mama

Lista de cumparaturi contine o multime de persoane importante, asa ca nu aveam cum sa uitam de mama. Probabil i-ai luat deja o multime de cadour, insa ei tot ii sunt cele mai dragi alea pe care le-ai facut in clasa a 3-a la ora de lucru manual. E competitie grea, asa este, insa am adunat cateva idei care cred ca o sa ii placa foarte mult!


EN: The shopping list contains many important people, so we couldn’t forget about mum. You probably already got her a ton of gifts, but she still loves the most those you made for her in third grade. It’s a tough competition, that’s true, but I gathered a few ideas which I think she’ll like a lot!

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#3 Idei de cadouri: Pentru iubita (o postare pentru el)

Aceasta este o postare pentru el… Lasa in mailul catre el acest link, asa… ca din intamplare. Daca esti singura nu-i problema, mai putine cadouri de cumparat si desigur, poti folosi lista asta de idei ca sa iti iei singura ceva special, asa, ca de Craciun (nu ca ai avea nevoie de o scuza). Asa ca, fara alta introducere, sa continuam sa vorbim cu iubitul vostru acum:

EN: This is a post for him… Leave this link in an email you send him…by accident. If you’re single, no problem, less gifts to buy and of course, you can use the list of ideas to buy something special for yourself, for Christmas (not that you need an excuse). So, without any other introduction, let’s continue talking to your boyfriend now:

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Totul despre BraveCut

Cred ca in fiecare zi, de la sfarsitul lunii septembrie si pana azi, cate cineva m-a intreabat, usor contrariat, “De ce te-ai tuuuuuns???”. Imi crescuse foarte mult, in ani de zile, asa ca schimbarea a fost evidenta. Adevarul e ca imi doream de mult timp sa ma tund, dar parca tot nu im gaseam curaj. Aveam nevoie de acel imbold care sa nu ma faca sa regret niciodata decizia. Si l-am gasit: BraveCut!

EN: I think every day, since the end of September and until today, someone asked me: “Why did you cut your haaaaiiiir???”. It grew very long over the years, so the change was obvious. The truth is that I had wanted to cut it for a long time, but I couldn’t find the courage to do it. I needed that push to make me not regret my decision ever. And I found it: BraveCut!

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E sarbatoare deja

UPDATE: Am ales castigatoarele prin tragere la sorti….

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#2 Idei de cadouri: Pentru iubit

Daca sunteti impreuna de mai mult de 3 ani, probabil ai impresia ca deja i-ai cumparat tot: ziua lui si Craciunul te-au lasat fara idei. E un simptom des intalnit: panica legata de cadouri in relatiile de lunga durata este reala! Asa ca uite, iti dau o mana de ajutor, poate-poate impreuna reusim sa ii luam un cadou care sa il bucure, care sa il relaxeze sau care sa il ajute.


EN: If you have been together for over 3 years, you are probably under the impression that you already bought everything for him: his birthday and Christmas left you without ideas. It’s a common symptom: the gift panic in long relationships is real! So here, I’m giving you a hand, maybe together we can manage to get him a gift which will bring him joy, which relaxes him or which helps him.

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#1 Idei de cadouri: Prietena cea mai buna

Daca si pe tine te incurca putin febra cumparaturilor de cadouri de Craciun, m-am gandit ca un ghid ar fi tare util. Urmeaza o intreaga serie cu idei de cadouri pentru prieteni, iubiti si parinti, ca sa ajunga cate ceva la toata lumea, asa ca stati pe receptie!


EN: If you are also a bit aggravated by the Christmas shopping rush, I thought a guide would be very useful. An entire series about ideas for gifts to give to friends, lovers and parents is about to come, so that everyone gets something, so stay tuned!

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