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Dezvaluie-ti frumusetea!

Am mai vorbit pe blog despre conceptul de frumusețe, în contextul socio-cultural actual. Standarde, prejudecati, dimensiuni perfecte, forme ideale… toate acestea ne-au stirbit de prea multe ori încrederea în noi. Mai ales cand eram adolescente, naive, vulnerabile. Acum cred tot mai tare ca nu exista femei urâte și femei frumoase, ci femei care stiu sau nu sa ia decizii bune, care sa le evidențieze frumusețea naturală, oricât ar fi ea de diferită de norma. Frumusețea înseamnă sanatate si diversitate. În rest, sunt trenduri.


EN: I have talked to you about the concept of beauty on the blog before, in the current social cultural context. Standards, prejudice, perfect sizes, ideal body shapes… all of these have taken too much from our self confidence. Especially when we were teenagers, naïve, vulnerable. Now I believe even more strongly that there aren’t any ugly or beautiful women, but rather women who know or don’t know how to make good decisions, to enhance their natural beauty, no matter how different it might be from the norm. Beauty means health and diversity. everything else is just trends.

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Sa inceapa spectacolul

In septembrie incepe noua stagiune la teatre, asa ca sunt bucuroasa sa va invit la premiera spectacolului “Leonce si Lena” la teatrul UNTEATRU.


EN: September means a new theatre season, so I am happy to invite you to the premiere of “Leonce and Lena” at UNTEATRU.

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Cum ne pregatim de inceperea gradinitei

Aceasta e ultima saptamana de vacanta a lui Vlad, asa ca imi propusesem sa profit cat mai mult de ea. Doar ca, ce sa vezi, de sambata seara piciorul meu stang e in ghips.


EN: This is Vlad’s last week of vacation, so I set my mind on taking as much advantage of it as possible. But, as of Saturday evening, my left foot is in a cast.

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Am vorbit despre cel mai greu si important rol din viata mea, cel de mama. Cred ca ar putea fi o lectura interesanta atat de pentru alte mame, cat si pentru femeile care isi fac planuri…


EN: I wrote about the most difficult and most important part in my life, being a mother. I think it might be an interesting read both for other mothers and for women who are making plans…

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Jurnal de calatorie in Sicilia

Aceasta e ultima serie de fotografii din Sicilia, insotita de un jurnal al calatoriei noastre, care sper sa va fie util in planurile voastre de calatorie.


EN: This is the last set of pictures from Sicily, accompanied by a travel log, which I hope you’ll find useful for your vacation plans.

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Aparent sunt super zen. Aparent. Doar ca pe sub masca asta, pe care m-am obisnuit sa o port ca sa nu imi arat vulnerabilitatea oricui si oricand, ascund o gramada un munte de stres.


EN: Apparently I’m super Zen. Apparently. But underneath this mask, which I am used to wearing so my vulnerability isn’t obvious to everyone any time, I am hiding a lot ton of stress.

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