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Ziua de ieri a fost minunata, in primul rand datorita lui Vlad si Radu, care m-au rasfatat in fiecare moment al zilei.


EN: Yesterday was absolutely wonderful, especially thanks to Vlad and Radu, who spoiled me throughout the entire day.

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33 ani

Azi implinesc 33 de ani. Imi imaginez cum ar fi o carte a carei eroina traieste fix viata mea de pana acum. Ar fi un roman cu o intriga puternica, data de copilaria mea atipica. Ar fi pasaje pe care le-as putea cataloga desprinse dintr-un univers fantastic. Altele, mai degraba absurde. Dar unde duce povestea asta? Unde duce?! Pai hai ca de acum inainte sa umplu paginile numai cu momente epice. Punctul culminant il simt aproape. Promit sa am curaj sa traiesc viata asta din plin.


EN: Today I turn 33. I imagine what a book about my life would sound like. It would be a novel with a powerful twist, given by my atypical childhood. There would be passages in it which might sound like they’re taken out of a fictional universe. Others would be more likely absurd. But where does this story lead to? Where is it taking me?! Well, from now I want to fill its pages only with epic moments. I feel like the peak point is near. I promise to have the courage to live this life to its fullest.  

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Toamna se numara copacii

Sunt foarte mandra de mine caci, datorita cererii facute catre primarie in luna mai, pe strada mea sunt acum 9 copaci noi si al zecelea salvat de la defrisare. Merg mai departe si lansez invitatia de a va alatura campaniei #CopaciidepeStradaMea.


EN: I am very proud of myself, because thanks to the request I made to the Mayor’s Office in May, there are now 9 new trees on my street and the tenth one is saved from being cut down. I am taking things further and inviting you to join the campaign #TheTreesOnMyStreet.

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De-ale lui Perfectu’

Acum fix o saptamana eram la noi la mare. Acolo am avut o discutie foarte interesanta cu Vlad despre… impaiere.


EN: Exactly one week ago we were at the seaside. There we had a very interesting conversation with Vlad about… stuffing.

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10 idei pentru ZEN acasa

Parca din ce in ce mai putin imi gasesc linistea si bucuria undeva in oras, la un restaurant sau club sau mai stiu eu ce. Si nu e de varsta, am avut dintotdeauna acest sentiment, doar ca parca se accentueaza. Sigur, ador calatoriile, dar nu traiesc doar calatorind. Viata mea se desfășoară cel mai mult in Bucuresti, de care ma leaga in primul rand job-ul si, desigur, casa. Iar casa mea este locul in care ma simt protejata, iubita, linistita. Asa ca, m-am gandit sa va scriu despre ce imi place si imi face bine sa fac acasa.


EN: I seem to have given up on finding my peace and joy somewhere out, at a restaurant or a club or whatever. And it has nothing to do with age, I have always had this feeling, but it seems to grow stronger. Of course, I love to travel, but I don’t live just travelling. My life is mostly in Bucharest, which I am connected to firstly by my job and, obviously, mu home. And my house is the ideal place for me to feel protected, loved, tranquil. So, I thought I should write to you about what I like to do at home.

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Ce NU am uitat

Mama mi-a trimis aseara link-ul acestui video pe whatsapp. Am mai adormit abia spre dimineata, caci toata noaptea m-am gandit la Ioan Luchian Mihalea si la anii mei de Minisong.


EN: My mother sent me the link to this video on WhatsApp last night. I managed to fall asleep only in the morning, because I spent the entire night thinking about Ioan Luchian Mihalea and my years in Minisong. Read More

Nunta de Zahar in Venetia

Uite asa am sarbatorit 6 ani de casatorie, adica Nunta de Zahar, in Venetia:


EN: Here’s how we celebrated 6 years of marriage, meaning the Sugar Wedding, in Venice:

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