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Micul Cannes

In perioada 19 – 28 oct, Micul Paris devine Micul Cannes, pentru ca se desfasoara festivalul Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest. Gata, intru la cura! Cura de filme bune.


EN: Between the 19th and 28th of October, Little Paris becomes Little Cannes, because the Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest takes place. Ok, I’m on a diet! A diet with good movies.
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In caz de nevoie

Se intampla ca fix in noaptea de Revelion sa fim pe plaja Otres din Cambodgia (un fel de Vama Veche a lor), iar Radu sa inceapa sa dardaie intr-un hamac, cu febra 39,8. Cand ne-a aratat termometrul s-a facut brusc gol in jurul nostru, caci toti ceilalti turisti au fugit, gandindu-se la cine stie ce boala exotica contagioasa.  Am oprit un tuc-tuc si i-am cerut sa ne duca urgent la cel mai apropiat spital, cel din Sihanoukville. Un drum de 15 minute a durat aproximativ o ora, caci tuc-tucul isi facea cu greu loc prin multimea de oameni venita sa vada artificiile. Ne-am dat seama ca trecerea dintre ani s-a produs in timp ce noi eram in drum spre spital, asa ca ne-am urat un “hai la multi ani” fara prea mare entuziasm. Eram foarte ingrijorati.


EN: On New Year’s Eve we were at Otres beach in Cambodia (some kind of Vama Veche of their own), when Radu started shaking in a hammock, with a fever of 39,8. When he showed us the thermometer, all of the sudden it was empty all around us, because all the other tourists ran away, afraid of some mysterious exotic disease. We stopped a tuk-tuk and asked him to take us the nearest hospital, which was the one in Sihanoukville. A 15 minutes drive took approximately one hour, because the tuk-tuk could hardly pass through the crowd gathered to see the fireworks. We realized that we went from one year to the next while on our way to the hospital, so we wished each other, without any enthusiasm, a “Happy New Year”. We were very worried.

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Recomandari de carti

La aceasta postare aveti ocazia sa o admirati pe Perdita proaspat iesita de la coafor (oh la la), dar si sa faceti recomandari de carti citite recent. Ar fi o postare la care ne-am putea intoarce mai multi pe viitor, atunci cand nu  vom sti ce roman sa alegem mai intai.


EN: In this post you will have the chance to admire Perdita freshly groomed (oh la la), but also to make recommendations for books you have read recently. It could be a post to which we might return in the future, when we won’t know which novel to pick first.

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Din pasiune

In ultimii ani, m-am gandit de mai multe ori daca as putea trai in alta tara. Cum ar fi sa emigrez, sa o iau de la zero altundeva? Asa mi-am dat seama ca ceea ce ma tine foarte legata de tara asta este si profesia mea, caci nu as putea juca in alta limba, indiferent cat de bine as cunoaste-o la un moment dat. Pentru ei as fi intotdeauna un expat si cel mult as putea spera la un rol de romanca, poloneza, moldoveanca… ocazional. Mda, nu as putea renunta la actorie.


EN: Lately I have been thinking quite often about whether or not I could live in a different country. What would it be like for me to emigrate, to start from scratch somewhere else? That’s how I realized that what keeps me very connected to this country is also my profession, because I could never act in another language, no matter how well I would know it at some point. To them I would always be an expat and the best I could hope for would be the role of a Romanian, a Polish, a Moldavian…. occasionally. Well, I could never give up acting.

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Coltul neplictisitor

Inovatia si creativitatea isi au de cele mai multe ori originea in largirea surselor de inspiratie. De foarte multe ori in moda, de exemplu, creatorii si-au gasit inspiratia in domenii complet adiacente, precum arhitectura sau… botanica si zoologie. Aceste intersectii pot avea rezultate surprinzatoare, unice. Exact acelasi pincipiu a stat la baza uneia dintre cele mai dragute provocari pe care le-am primit vreodata, care poate fi sintetizata prin intrebarea: “Ce au in comun ciocolata si design-ul interior?”


EN: Innovation and creativity often come from broadening your sources of inspiration. Very often in fashion, for example, creators have found their inspiration in areas completely adjacent, like in architecture or… botany and zoology. These intersections could have surprising, unique results. This exact same principle was the foundation of one of the nicest challenges I have ever received, which can be summarized in the question: “What do chocolate and interior design have in common?”

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