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Phu Quoc (3)

Am strabatut Vietnamul de la Ho Chi Minh si pana in Hanoi, stand in fiecare loc cate 2 – 3 nopti, intorcandu-ne din nou in sud pentru Phu Quoc. In aceasta insula am stat cel mai mult, gandindu-ne ca plaja si oceanul vor fi pe placul lui Vlad. Si nu ne-am inselat. Tocmai de aceea, cele mai multe imagini le avem de aici. Acesta e penultimul set de poze din Vietnam. Bucurati-va de el, iar daca aveti intrebari, nu ezitati.


EN: We have visited Vietnam from Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi, spending about 2-3 nights in every place, coming back to the South for Phu Quoc. We stayed the longest on this island, thinking that Vlad will love the beach and the ocean. And we were right. That’s why, most of our pictures are from here. This is one of the last sets of photos from Vietnam. Enjoy it, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate.

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Brambura prin Lume – ep.2

Bucurati-va de al doilea episod de vlog “Brambura prin Lume” si apoi, daca aveti chef si timp, lasati-mi un feedback. Aici si/sau pe YouTube.


EN: Enjoy the second vlog episode “Brambura through the World” and then, if you find the time and the mood for it, leave me a feedback. Here and/ or on YouTube.

Jurnal de calatorie in Vietnam: Phu Quoc (2)

Asa cum va promiteam recent, am revenit cu ultima fila din Jurnalul de calatorie in Vietnam, in care o sa va povestesc mai pe larg experienta noastra in Phu Quoc.


EN: As promised, I am back with the last chapter of our Vietnam Travel Log, in which I will tell you more about our experience in Phu Quoc.

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Va cer ajutorul pentru vacanta de vara

Vara aceasta plec in Sicilia cu familia. E prima oara cand vizitez aceasta insula, asadar orice sfat e mai mult decat binevenit.


EN: This summer I am going to Sicily with my family. It’s my first time on this island, so any advice is more than welcome.

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White Moon

Ieri m-am intors din tabara… ah, pardon, de la TIFF, si m-am pus pe treaba. Mai sunt doar cateva zile pana la Happy Run, asa ca daca vreti sa intrati in echipa “Lunatecelor”, acum e momentul sa profitati de ocazie.


EN: Yesterday I got back from camp…oh, sorry, I meant from TIFF, and I am back in business. There are only a few days left until Happy Run, so if you want to join the “Lunatics Team”, now’s the time to do it.

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Phu Quoc (1)

M-am intors la folderul cu poze din Vietnam, caci am ramas datoare cu imaginile din Phu Quoc, insula din sudul acestei tari, foarte aproape de Cambodgia. Am stat vreo 7- 8 nopti acolo, fiind finalul vacantei noastre, asa ca am facut sute (poate chiar mii) de poze. O sa impart asadar fotografiile in mai multe postari, ca sa va bucurati de ele pe indelete. Asa dor mi se face de o plecare cand ma uit la ele…..Doamneeeeeee……


EN: I got back to my folder with photos from Vietnam, because I still owed you the ones from Phu Quoc, the island from the Southern part of the country, very close to Cambodia. We spent about 7-8 nights there, since it was the end of our vacation, so we took hundreds (maybe even thousands) of pictures. So I will split the photos into multiple posts, so you can enjoy them thoroughly. When I look at them, I miss leaving so much…Goooooood…

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VLOG: Brambura prin Lume (Ep. 1)

Azi am lansat vlogul de travel “Brambura prin Lume”. Parerea voastra despre primul episod, a celor care cititi constant acest blog, e foarte valoroasa pentru mine.


EN: Today I have launched the travel vlog “Brambura through the World”. Your opinion, of those who constantly read this blog, on this first episode is extremely valuable to me.

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