Ce n-a vazut Parisul
Am ajuns prima oara la Paris impreuna cu grupul Minisong, cand aveam 7 ani proaspat impliniti. Daca gresesc varsta, sa ma corecteze mama, ca numai ea mai stie astfel de detalii.
Am ajuns prima oara la Paris impreuna cu grupul Minisong, cand aveam 7 ani proaspat impliniti. Daca gresesc varsta, sa ma corecteze mama, ca numai ea mai stie astfel de detalii.
Intamplari din weekendul petrecut la munte, cu ocazia implinirii varstei de 33 ani…
EN: Stories from our weekend in the mountains, for my 33rd birthday…
Se intampla ca fix in noaptea de Revelion sa fim pe plaja Otres din Cambodgia (un fel de Vama Veche a lor), iar Radu sa inceapa sa dardaie intr-un hamac, cu febra 39,8. Cand ne-a aratat termometrul s-a facut brusc gol in jurul nostru, caci toti ceilalti turisti au fugit, gandindu-se la cine stie ce boala exotica contagioasa. Am oprit un tuc-tuc si i-am cerut sa ne duca urgent la cel mai apropiat spital, cel din Sihanoukville. Un drum de 15 minute a durat aproximativ o ora, caci tuc-tucul isi facea cu greu loc prin multimea de oameni venita sa vada artificiile. Ne-am dat seama ca trecerea dintre ani s-a produs in timp ce noi eram in drum spre spital, asa ca ne-am urat un “hai la multi ani” fara prea mare entuziasm. Eram foarte ingrijorati.
EN: On New Year’s Eve we were at Otres beach in Cambodia (some kind of Vama Veche of their own), when Radu started shaking in a hammock, with a fever of 39,8. When he showed us the thermometer, all of the sudden it was empty all around us, because all the other tourists ran away, afraid of some mysterious exotic disease. We stopped a tuk-tuk and asked him to take us the nearest hospital, which was the one in Sihanoukville. A 15 minutes drive took approximately one hour, because the tuk-tuk could hardly pass through the crowd gathered to see the fireworks. We realized that we went from one year to the next while on our way to the hospital, so we wished each other, without any enthusiasm, a “Happy New Year”. We were very worried.
Ziua de ieri a fost minunata, in primul rand datorita lui Vlad si Radu, care m-au rasfatat in fiecare moment al zilei.
EN: Yesterday was absolutely wonderful, especially thanks to Vlad and Radu, who spoiled me throughout the entire day.
Acum fix o saptamana eram la noi la mare. Acolo am avut o discutie foarte interesanta cu Vlad despre… impaiere.
EN: Exactly one week ago we were at the seaside. There we had a very interesting conversation with Vlad about… stuffing.
Uite asa am sarbatorit 6 ani de casatorie, adica Nunta de Zahar, in Venetia:
EN: Here’s how we celebrated 6 years of marriage, meaning the Sugar Wedding, in Venice:
In al treilea episod de vlog Radu si cu mine suntem singuri, ca nebunii, intr-un city break in Tel Aviv. Trebuie sa il urmariti pana la final, ca e cu surprize…
EN: On our third vlog episode, Radu and I are alone, on a city break in Tel Aviv. You have to watch until the end, it’s with surprises…