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Cu copilul in Bangkok

A sosit momentul sa va povestesc despre ultima noastra vacanta in 3. Prima oprire: Bangkok.


EN: It’s time I told you about the last vacation for all 3 of us. First stop: Bangkok. 

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Primele imagini din Thailanda

Va scriu aceste randuri din hamacul de pe teresa bungalowului nostru din Thailanda, de unde privesc marea. De cum am ajuns aici, i-am zis lui Radu ca asa trebuie sa arate Paradisul.


EN: I am writing these lines from the hammock on the terrace of our bungalow in Thailand, from where I am watching the sea. As soon as we got here, I told Radu that this is probably what Paradise looks like.

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Ea e Anastasia. El e Anu

Pentru ca pe vremea de afara numai de sedinte foto “fashion” nu imi arde, m-am gandit sa fac o selectie cu pozele de la munte, din cele cateva nopti petrecute cu ocazia Revelionului in localitatea Lazarea, aproape de Lacul Rosu. O sa o cunoasteti mai bine si pe Anastasia Maria, finuta noastra cea mica (caci mai avem o finuta, pe Alexandra, doar ca e deja la scoala!), cea care s-a indragostit iremediabil de Vlad in aceasta escapada.


EN: Because on this weather, the last thing I feel like are “fashion” photo shoots, I thought I would make a selection of pictures from the mountain side, from our few days we spend for New Year’s in Lazarea, near Lacul Rosu. You will also get to know better Anastasia Maria, our little goddaughter (we have another one, Alexandra, but she’s already in school!), who fell in love head over heels with Vlad during this escapade.

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Barcelona in 3 (ultima parte)

Multi prieteni sunt inca plecati prin tari straine si posteaza pe Facebook sau Instagram poze care ma fac sa visez cu ochii deschisi. Asa ca azi o sa ma/va rasfat cu niste poze din Barcelona, chiar daca mini-vacanta noastra a fost anul trecut.


EN: Many of our friends are still away in foreign countries and are posting pictures on Facebook and Instagram which make me dream wide awake. So today I am going to spoil myself/ you with photos from Barcelona, even though our mini vacation was last year.

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New Chanel No 5 Event in Bratislava

Una dintre cele mai frumoase experiente de pana acum in postura de blogger a fost in mod cert participarea la evenimentul de lansare a noului parfum Chanel No 5 L’Eau in Bratislava. Multumesc inca o data echipei Chanel pentru invitatie si pentru toate momentele placute (si parfumate) petrecute impreuna.


EN: One of the most beautiful experiences so far as a blogger was definitely attending the launch event of the new Chanel No 5 L’Eau perfume in Bratislava. Thank you again to the Chanel team for the invitation and for all the pleasant (and scented) moments spent together.

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Barcelona in 3 (Partea a II-a)

Poze noi din Barcelona, mai precis din parcul Tibidabo.


EN: New pictures from Barcelona, more precisely from Tibidao park.

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