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Cambodgia cu copilul II

Poze noi din vacanta din Cambodgia, atat de proaspata in mintile si in sufletele noastre, incat inevitabil facem aproape zilnic referire la ea in conversațiile de familie.


EN: New pictures from our vacation in Cambodia, so fresh in our minds and souls, that we inevitably refer to it on a daily basis during our family conversations.

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Cambodgia cu copilul

De 1 iunie, un cadou pentru Vlad cand nu va mai fi copil, si va aprecia exact ca mine acum aceste imagini din Cambodgia. Pe scurt: le ador.


EN: On the 1st of June, a gift to Vlad when he won’t be a child anymore, and he’ll appreciate this images from Cambodia just as much as I do. I adore them.

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Festival de Cannes 2017

Cum a fost la Cannes? Ce vedete ai vazut? Dar filme?…. de cand m-am intors, primesc in fiecare zi aceste intrebari, asa ca e momentul sa va povestesc pas cu pas cum am trait aceasta experinta.


EN: What was Cannes like? Which stars did you see? What about the movies?… ever since I came back, I get these questions every day, so it’s time I told you step by step how I have lived this experience.

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My Vintage Dress

Aceasta rochie Oscar de la Renta are istoria ei, incepand de prin anii ’80. Cumva s-a intamplat sa ajunga la mine, sa o port la premiere de film sau prin tari straine. Dar oare cate o fi vazut ea in aproape 40 de ani?


EN: This Oscar de la Renta dress has its history, starting with the ’80s. It somehow made its way to me, to be worn for movie premieres or in foreign countries. But I can’t help but wonder: what has it seen in almost 40 years?

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Pajama Style

Sunt o lasa! Asta e adevarul….
EN: I’m a coward! That’s the truth…

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Digital Diva of the Year 2017

Multe s-au mai intamplat de cand nu v-am mai scris: o plecare la Cannes, una la Berlin si si si… marele premiu Digital Diva of the Year 2017 castigat!


EN: A lot has happened since I last wrote to you: a trip to Cannes, one to Berlin and and and… the big Digital Diva of the Year 2017 award I won!

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Cu copilul in Koh Phangan

Unde ramasesem? Eram inca in Bangkok cu povestea, parca. Ei bine dupa 3 nopti petrecute acolo am zburat direct spre Surat Thani, de unde un ferry de vreo 4 ore ne-a adus pe minunata insula Koh Phangan (sau Ko Pha Ngan). Iata cum am petrecut o parte din vacanta noastra in Thailanda, impreuna cu Vlad de 3 ani – proaspat impliniti.


EN: Where was I? Still in Bangkok with my story, I think. Well after 3 nights we spent there, we flew straight to Surat Thani, from where we took a ferry for 4 hours and arrived to the beautiful island of Koh Phangan (or Ko Pha Ngan). Here’s how we spent part of our vacation in Thailand, together with Vlad, who had just turned 3.

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