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Dragi prieteni, am fost nominalizată la Elle Style Awards si in acest an si, daca va doriti, imi puteti acorda votul vostru aici.


EN: Dear friends, for the second year in a row, I have been nominated for the Elle Style Awards and, should you wish to do so, you can vote for me here.

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O calatorie in jurul lumii…

Weekendul acesta, intoarsa acasa destul de obosita dupa multele ore petrecute la targul V for Vintage, am inceput sa caut pe net idei de destinatii de vacanta pentru iarna aceasta. Si, din una in alta, am dat peste: “RTW trip with a toddler”.

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Toamna in Stockholm

Ultimul set de poze din Stockholm. Probabil si cele mai frumoase.


EN: The last set of pictures from Stockholm. Probably the most beautiful.

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Azi e Sfantul Luca, asa ca azi il sarbatorim pe Vlad LUCA Dragomir.
EN: Today is St. Luca’s day, so we are celebrating Vlad LUCA Dragomir.

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In timp ce doarme copilul

Am pregatit acest articol in timp ce copilul dormea, cu poze facute in Stockholm, in timp ce copilul dormea. Cred ca ala e timpul in care fiecare părinte își atinge apogeul productivității.


EN: I have prepared this article while the child was sleeping, with pictures taken in Stockholm, while the child was sleeping. I think that is the moment when every parent’s productivity reaches its peak.

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Prima plimbare in Stockholm

Cum am iesit din apartamentul nostru inchiriat in Stockholm, Vlad si-a gasit o pozitie confortabila in carut si – dupa nici 15 minute – s-a culcat. Iata imagini de la prima noastra plimbare prin acest oras nordic.


EN: As soon we went out of our rented apartment in Stockholm, Vlad found a comfortable position in his stroller and – after less than 15 minutes- fell asleep. Here are images from our first walk in this Northern city.

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32 ani

Sunt fericita. M-am trezit cu Radu in stanga mea si Vlad dormind profund in dreapta mea. Nu am rezistat sa nu fac câteva poze cu telefonul, primele de la 32 de ani. Pentru ca totul era perfect in momentul acela.


EN: I am happy. I woke up with Radu on my left side and Vlad sleeping soundly on my right. I couldn’t help but take some pictures with my phone, the first ones at 32. Because everything was perfect in that moment. Read More