Blogul meu e citit de designerii britanici :)
Mai tineti minte postul meu de pe la inceputul acestui blog numit Arlechino si Colombina? Ei bine, atunci v-am prezentat o parte din colectia SS11 a designer-ului de origine britanica Emma Bell. Mama mea (care apropo, poate gasi orice ii ceri pe net!) a descoperit ca Emma Bell a remarcat postul meu pe blogul ei:
Monday, 4 April 2011
Craft Shopping in Taipei!

Happy ‘Tomb Sweeping Day’ from Taipei!
This past few days has been a public holiday here in Taiwan so the city was super crowded yesterday and alongside getting heckled by the same annoying teenage boy that targets me EVERY week in life…it was raining soooo much!
Yesterday I went on a craft supply hunting mission…. the Yanping Road area close to Taipei Main Station is like a dream come true in terms of jewels, sequins, necessities and sparkles! (If you are the lookout for this street, come out of exit 21 of the Taipei City Underground Mall and it’s right there!)

I totally LOVE this area and it makes me wish I had a bigger luggage allowance for when I’m flying back to the UK!!! There’s a whole bunch of shops selling sewing equipment alongside a load of suppliers….it’s amazing! There’s also one place that sells random keyrings, lucky charms, beads and the likes which I ended up buying a million things from that I plan to take apart and turn into some hot accessories when I get back!
Not too many snaps this time around I’m afraid as no way was I whipping the camera out in these sick weather conditions!!!!
Also while I’m here, below is a feature including my SS11 collection from Dana Rogoz’s One Magazine blog in Romania….you can check it out HERE!!!

Anyways…back to sewing and some 90’s classics!!!!
Love and Sparkles,
Tare, nu? Eu m-am bucurat si mi s-a parut cool. Thank you Emma!
Laura Driha/ 08.04.2011
Si de Constanteni! 😛
O sa dau si eu in scris!
Felicitari pentru mentiune!
Ingrid/ 11.04.2011
Diana/ 06.02.2012
Ma bucur pentru tine, draga mea !!!
diana/ 11.11.2012