Scurta istorisire despre doi caini, scrisa de un stapan care ii iubeste foarte mult. EN: Short story about two dogs, written by an owner who loves them very much.
Abia ce m-am intors de la teatru. In weekendul acesta am avut in fiecare seara cate un spectacol, iar asta m-a bucurat. In mod paradoxal, dupa un astfel de weekend incarcat, incep saptamana cu o stare si mai buna, cu mai multa energie. Bine, si vremea asta superba ne ajuta…
EN: I just returned from the theatre. This weekend we had a performance each night, and that brings me lots of joy. Funny thing is that after such a busy weekend, my week begins with an even better mood, with more energy. Truth is, this beautiful weather also helps a lot…
Am pregatit acest articol in timp ce copilul dormea, cu poze facute in Stockholm, in timp ce copilul dormea. Cred ca ala e timpul in care fiecare părinte își atinge apogeul productivității.
EN: I have prepared this article while the child was sleeping, with pictures taken in Stockholm, while the child was sleeping. I think that is the moment when every parent’s productivity reaches its peak.
Zilele trecute am fost impreuna cu Adela in vizita la SOS Satele Copiilor, sa le cunoastem pe cele doua bune prietene Georgiana si Adelina. Le-am povestit cum functioneaza un blog, cum se scrie un articol si cum poti interactiona in scris cu cititorii. Si ca doua profesoare preocupate de lectia predata, am decis sa trecem la practica. Asa ca eu am compus impreuna cu Adelina acest articol, iar Adela cu Georgiana un alt articol, pe care il veti putea citi pe blogul
EN: A few days ago, Adela and paid a visit SOS Satele Copiilor, to meet with the two good friends Georgiana and Adelina. We told about how a blog works, how you write a post and how you can interact with your readers. And just like two teachers concerned about the lesson taught, we decided to put them to practice. So Adelina and I wrote this article together, and Adela with Georgiana wrote another one, which you can read on the blog