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Author: Dana

Glam UP!

In aceasta perioada cred ca si voi, ca si mine, va deschideti larg dulapul si va intrebati, cu o cana mare de cafea in mana: “Oare eu cu ce ma imbrac de Craciun?”


EN: I am sure that in this time of the year, you, much like myself, open your closet widely, while holding a cup of coffee, and wonder: “What am I going to wear for Christmas?”

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Decoratiuni festive DIY

E momentul perfect pentru a ne decora casa si a ne gandi la decoratiunile pentru masa de Craciun. Si indiferent cat de multe globulete, stelute, lumanarele… am cumpara, niciuna nu are la fel de mare farmec precum o decoratiune facuta de mana ta. Pentru asta am apelat la ideile de decorare din brosura Ferrero, dar si de pe site-ul Sunt idei originale, pur si simplu incantatatoare si foarte usor – credeti-ma pe cuvant – de pus in practica. Eu am ales 3 decoratiuni festive si va voi arata in continuare cum se realizeaza, pas cu pas:


EN: It’s the perfect time to decorate our homes and to think about the Christmas table decorations. And no matter how many globes, stars, candles we buy, none of them is quite like a hand made decoration. For this I have turned to the decoration ideas from the Ferrero brochure, but also to the site They are original ideas, simply delightful and very easy- take my word for it- to make. I have chosen 3 festive decorations and now I will show you how to make them, step by step:

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Ziua in care nu (te) consumi

Saptamana trecuta am iesit la o tura prin oras cu Dragos Bucurenci, dintr-un motiv cat se poate de fun: sa testam noul Renault Zoe, o masina electrica independenta si tare cute. In timp ce depanam cateva amintiri despre stradutele noastre preferate in drum spre o cafea, ne-am dat seama ca nu e orice masina cea pe care o conduceam. Noul Renault Zoe vine la pachet cu cateva idei despre ce ar putea sa fie masina de maine.


EN: Last week, Dragos Bucurenci and I went for a drive through the city, out of a fun reason: to test the new Renault Zoe, an electric independent car which is very cute. While reminiscing about the past on our favorite streets, on our way to have some coffee, we realized that the care we were driving isn’t like any other. The Renault Zoe comes with a few ideas about what the car from tomorrow could be like. 

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