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Author: Dana

Feeling Good

Va scriu din cabina teatrului, caci in seara aceasta am spectacol. Desi mi-e foarte somn, pentru ca ieri am filmat pana la 12 noaptea, ma simt asaaa… invaluita intr-o stare de bine. E ceva deosebit, va zic. Sa fi intrat Venus la mine in zodie? Sa fie soarele de afara? Sa fie Radu care m-a privit cu blandete si in aceasta dimineata in timp ce dormeam langa Vlad? Sa fie chiar Vlad cu care am facut piata azi si care tocmai ce m-a invatat ca o gura de aer mai proaspat poti lua daca pur si simplu te opresti langa un capac, in drumul de la Mega spre casa?


EN: I am writing to you from the theatre dressing room, because I will be on stage tonight. Even though I am very sleepy, yesterday I had a shooting which lasted until midnight, I feel sooooo….wrapped in a feeling of wellbeing. It’s really special, I’m telling you. Maybe Venus is in my sign again? Maybe it’s Radu who looked at me so gently this morning while I was sleeping next to Vlad. Or maybe it’s actually Vlad who we took to the market today and who just taught me that you can also catch a breath of fresh just by standing next to a tree, on your way home from the supermarket.

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Curatenia de primavara

Declar oficial deschisa Curatenia de Primavara! E momentul acela din an cand te apuci si faci ordine prin casa, prin dulap, prin debara, cand realizezi ca ai multe lucruri in plus, unele dintre ele chiar in stare foarte buna, pe care ai vrea sa le dai cuiva sau, de ce nu, vinde! Si cu ocazia asta hai sa va povestesc experienta familiei noastre cu OLX in ultimii ani, in calitate de vanzatori, dar mai ales de cumparatori.


EN: I officially declare that Spring Cleaning season is open! It’s that moment of the year when you start putting your house, closet, pantry in order, when you realize that you own too much stuff, some of which is in good shape, and which you would like to give away or maybe even sell! And on this note, let me tell you about our family’s experience with OLX in the previous years, as sellers, but mostly as buyers.

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Moon 5 Party

A trecut o luna de cand am sarbatorit cei 5 ani Moon, dar amintirile sunt inca foarte vii.


EN: It’s already been a month since our 5 years of Moon anniversary, but the memories are still very much alive.

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Cadou de la el

Vreau sa va multumesc pentru toate ideile de cadouri pe care i le-ati dat lui Radu pentru 8 martie. Au fost de un real ajutor!


EN: I would like to thank you for all the gift ideas you gave to Radu for the 8th of March. They’ve been a real help!

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Ce sta la baza garderobei mele

De fiecare data cand am chef de niste distractie, dau o fuga pana la Carrefour sa vad noua lor colectie TEX. Zic ca ma distrez pentru ca mi se pare relaxant sa aleg piese de baza, fun, cu imprimeuri colorate si tineresti dintr-o multime de optiuni.
EN: Every time I’m in the mood for something fun, I go to Carrefour to check out their new TEX collection. It is fun for me because I find it relaxing to choose basic items, fun, with colorful and young prints from a lot of other options.

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Cutia cu mancare

Timp de o luna de zile am avut si eu si Radu mancare de la Lifebox. Ah, ce bine ne-a fost!


EN: For one month, Radu and I had food from Lifebox. Ah, we had it good!

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La Multi Ani, Vlad! 4 ani (III)

Twinning-ul era si mai bun, daca accepta sa isi puna si tenisii in picioare …


EN: The twinning might have been even better, if only he accepted putting on his sneakers….

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