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Author: Dana

Magie in Bucatarie (I)

Imi place sa gatesc. Uneori imi si iese. Asta e una dintre situatiile fericite. Asa ca azi am sa fac reteta asta din nou, de Paste iar, si tot asa, pana cand primesc aplauze de la toti prietenii mei!


EN: I like to cook. Sometimes I am actually good at it. This is one of the fortunate situations. So I’ll make this recipe again today, and then again for Easter, and so on, until I get applauses from all my friends!

Creativitatea in familie

Daca aveti copii mici, aceasta perioada a fost cu siguranta o adevarata provocare: vremea rece si urata ne-a impus sa stam in casa alaturi de niste pusti plini de energie. Orice mama si tata cu frica de Dumnezeu stie ca cel mai mare pericol al vietii parintesti este sa fii intr-o incapare cu cel mic intr-o zi ploioasa: unul o sa vrea sa se joace, altul sa stea in pat toata ziua; unul sa alerge, altul sa aiba liniste si pace. Ce mai, este o reteta pentru un dezastru daca nu ai un plan bine pus la punct.

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Cum sa organizezi o petrecere pentru copii

Am promis ca va povestesc cum am organizat petrecerea de ziua lui Vlad. A fost prima din viata lui, caci pana anul trecut invitam doar familia si prieteni foarte apropiati (cei mai multi fara copii, culmea) la noi acasa. Dar de cand cu gradinita, numarul prietenilor de varsta lui s-a marit considerabil, asa ca Radu si cu mine ne-am gandit sa organizam petrecerea intr-un alt spatiu si casa noastra sa ramana, totusi, pe picioare, asa cum o stim.


EN:I promised I would tell you how I organized Vlad’s birthday party. It was the first one in his life, because up until last year we used to invite only family and a few good friends (most of them without kids) to our house. But ever since he started kindergarten, the number of friends his own age has increased significantly, so Radu and I thought I would be best to organize his party in a different space, so we could keep our house in one piece.

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Traieste o primavara multicolora

Tare mi-as dori sa spun ca astazi, cand pasim in echinoctiul de primavara, vremea este placuta, insorita si calduta. Cum din pacate nu este cazul (inca), m-am gandit sa fac eu primul pas si sa aduc putina inviorare pe blog! Practic, daca primavara nu vine, o aduc eu singura aici, ca se stie ca daca vrei ceva facut bine, trebuie sa-l faci cu mana ta!


EN: I really would love to say that today, as we step into the spring equinox, the weather is nice, sunny and warm. But since this sadly (still) isn’t the case, I thought I should make the first step and bring a bit of cheering up to the blog! Basically, if spring isn’t coming by itself, I’ll make sure to bring it here, because we all know that if you want something to be done well, you should do it yourself!

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Doar o zi obisnuita

Am primit o provocare: sa port aceeasi tinuta de dimineata pana seara, indiferent de ocazie, bazandu-ma exclusiv pe accesorii diferite, care sa o schimbe cat mai mult, adaptand-o in functie de context. Mi s-a parut simpatica ideea, mai ales ca in felul acesta veti putea vedea acum si cum arata o zi oarecare din viata mea. In plus, e rost si de un CONCURS!

UPDATE: Cele trei castigatoare alese prin tragere la sorti au urmatoarele conturi de Instagram:

  1. @Iva Vulcan
  2. @Danutza70
  3. @Ancuta_chezan


EN: I received a challenge: to wear the same outfit from morning until evening, regardless of the occasion, relying exclusively on different accessories, which should change it as much as possible, by adapting it according to context. I thought the idea was funny, especially because in this way you will also be able to see what a day in my like looks like. And also I have a CONTEST coming up!

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Feeling Good

Va scriu din cabina teatrului, caci in seara aceasta am spectacol. Desi mi-e foarte somn, pentru ca ieri am filmat pana la 12 noaptea, ma simt asaaa… invaluita intr-o stare de bine. E ceva deosebit, va zic. Sa fi intrat Venus la mine in zodie? Sa fie soarele de afara? Sa fie Radu care m-a privit cu blandete si in aceasta dimineata in timp ce dormeam langa Vlad? Sa fie chiar Vlad cu care am facut piata azi si care tocmai ce m-a invatat ca o gura de aer mai proaspat poti lua daca pur si simplu te opresti langa un capac, in drumul de la Mega spre casa?


EN: I am writing to you from the theatre dressing room, because I will be on stage tonight. Even though I am very sleepy, yesterday I had a shooting which lasted until midnight, I feel sooooo….wrapped in a feeling of wellbeing. It’s really special, I’m telling you. Maybe Venus is in my sign again? Maybe it’s Radu who looked at me so gently this morning while I was sleeping next to Vlad. Or maybe it’s actually Vlad who we took to the market today and who just taught me that you can also catch a breath of fresh just by standing next to a tree, on your way home from the supermarket.

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