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Author: Dana

Magie in Bucatarie (IV): Penne cu legume

Stiti scuza cu “nu am timp sa gatesc”? Si eu o folosesc, deseori. Dar adevarul e ca poti sa inveti cateva retete super rapide, care sa fie sanatoase si care sa iti creasca si increderea de sine – ca deh, e o mancare facuta de tine, cu manutele tale, pentru prietenii si familia ta! Asta e una dintre retetele de acest gen: penne cu broccoli, fasole verde si crema de branza. Noi facem deseori paste pentru Vlad. Sper doar ca treptat sa il conving sa adauge cat mai multe legume alaturi de ele.


EN: You know the excuse of “I don’t have time to cook”? I use it often myself. But the truth is you can learn a few super quick recipes, which are also healthy and which boost your self-esteem- because, after all, it’s a meal you cooked yourself, with your own hands, for your friends and family! This is one of those recipes: penne with broccoli, green beans and cream cheese. We cook pasta for Vlad very often. I only hope that, in time, I will be able to convince him to add as many vegetables as possible.

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Serialele noi si vechi

Intotdeauna mi-a placut sa ma uit la filme. Ar fi de-a dreptul ciudat sa nu-mi placa avand in vedere meseria aleasa. La fel si in cazul lui Radu. Asadar, urmarim impreuna seriale si filme de scurt si lung-metraj, incepand cu cele nominalizate si premiate la festivalurile de film din lume si pana la … animatii. Plus, fireste, multe filme romanesti. In ultima vreme insa, iar aici zic de cativa ani, serialele au devenit din ce in ce mai bune si au “furat” (si continua cu ambitie sa o faca) putin din aura pe care doar filmele o avea mai demult. Adica acum 10 ani nu era niciun serial (care sa nu fie o comedie) care sa aduca laolalta povesti senzationale sau actori care pana atunci jucau exclusiv in filme de lung metraj. Insa calitatea productiilor a crescut fantastic, iar acum serialele “se bat” cu filmele cot la cot.


EN: I always loved watching movies. It would be completely weird if I wouldn’t enjoy it, considering my profession. It’s the same for Radu. So, we watch series and motion pictures or short movies together, beginning with the most nominated and awarded ones at world wide film festivals and ending with… animations. And of course, many Romanian films. But lately, and I mean for the past few years, series have gotten better and better and have “stolen” (and continue to do so with ambition) a part of the aura that only films used to have in the past. 10 years there wasn’t any movie (except comedies) which would bring together sensational stories or actors who up until then only used to star in motion pictures. But the quality of the productions has increased significantly, and now TV series are running against movies and it’s a close tie.

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Ne vedem la cinema

Sunt cateva filme care continua sa isi faca loc printre gandurile mele, asa, din senin, parca fara niciun motiv anume, desi poate ca le-am vazut cu ani in urma. Sunt filme cu care pur si simplu m-am obisnuit sa traiesc, la fel cum traiesti zi de zi cu amintirile din copilarie, chiar daca acum ai la randul tau copil. Unul dintre acestea este “A Woman Under the Influence”(1974) al lui John Cassavetes. Acum, in timp ce scriu despre el, parca mi se pune un nod in gat. Si ma gandesc la mama mea.


EN: There are a few films which continue to haunt me every now and then, out of the blue, for no reason whatsoever, even if I have watched it a couple of years ago. They are films I have gotten used to living with, just as you live every day with childhood memories, even if you have your own child now. One of these is “A Woman Under The Influence” (1974) by John Cassavetes. Now, as I am writing about it, I feel a tear coming up. And I think of my mother.

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Girl on the Moon Project (ep. 3)

Va mai amintiti de “Girl on the Moon Project”. Se cere sa facem o recapitulare. Prin intermediul acestui proiect veti cunoaste femei care isi fac meseria cu pasiune si determinare si care ne vor inspira in primul rand sa avem mai mult  curaj in alegerile pe care le facem in viata. Astazi o veti cunoaste pe Laura Gardu – pilot.


EN: You remember the “Girl on the Moon Project”. It calls for a recap. Through this project you’ll get to know women who do their jobs with passion and determination and who will inspire us to have more courage in the choices we make in life. Today you’ll meet Laura Gardu- pilot.

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Jurnal de calatorie in Vietnam: Hanoi si Ninh Binh

Am revenit (cu povestitul) in Vietnam! Daca ajungeti vreodata in aceasta tara, trebuie neaparat sa faceti o excursie in provincia Ninh Binh. Plecarea se face din Hanoi cu autocare turistice, fiind la vreo ora distanta de capitala vietnameza. In zona poti vizita foarte multe temple spectaculoase, poti face o plimbare cu barca sau una cu bicicleta, printre culturile de orez, salutand din mers localnicii prietenosi. Sau le poti face pe toate 3, asa cum am facut si noi, in cursul unei zile petrecute acolo.

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Magie in bucatarie (III) – Mexican Chilli

Invat sa gatesc de cand cu aceasta campanie impreuna cu Bonduelle Vapeur! De data aceasta am pregatit un mexican chilli usor intepator. Vedeti voi in video cat de “usor intepator” a fost…


EN: I am learning to cook ever since this campaign with Bonduelle Vapeur! This time I have prepared a mildly hot Mexican chili. You can see for yourselves in the video how “mildly hot” it really was…

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