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Am gasit o comoara

Am gasit o comoara

Am facut extragerea si am aflat cine este castigatoarea imprimantei Canon din imagine:

Asadar, mesajul castigator este:


Avand in vedere ca la noi e distractie maxima cand apar figurinele de pus pe deget as alege ceva din zona asta ?

Felicitari, Catia! Te vom contacta pe email pentru a intra in posesia premiul cat de curand. Spor la lucru tuturor cu aceste sabloane geniale!


Dupa o vacanta de vara in care nu am mai stiut unde sa il mai duc sau ce sa mai fac cu copilul ca sa petreaca asa numitul “timp de calitate” cu familia, am gasit o solutie care nu necesita nici macar deplasarea de acasa. Dau mai departe pontul cu acest serviciu online gratuit numit Creative Park, prin care veti petrece momente foarte frumoase in familie, si pun la bătaie si o imprimanta Canon cu un design superb! – CONCURS –


EN: After a summer vacation in which I was out of ideas of what to do with the kid and where to take him in order to spend as much “quality time” as possible, I found a solution which doesn’t even require leaving the house. I am passing on this tip for a free online service called Creative Park, which will help you spend very nice moments with your family, and I am also giving away a Canon printer with a wonderful design! – CONTEST-

Creative Park este un serviciu online GRATUIT prin care poti crea de la felicitari, calendare, rame personalizate si pana la animale sălbatice. Intr-un cuvant, aceasta platforma este o COMOARA.  Am inspectat-o atent impreuna cu Vlad, asa ca va pot explica pas cu pas cum functioneaza.Creative Park iti ofera gratuit șabloane pe care le poti printa și instructiuni prin care poti construi impreuna cu copilul jucarii din hartie, felicitari pentru restul familiei sau decoratiuni pentru camera lui.

Noi am zis sa incepem cu ceva usor, si foarte bine am facut. Sunt șabloane mai simple, la care pot lucra si copiii mici, si altele pentru “avansati”, adica pentru copii mai mari. Dupa ce am analizat oferta, am ales felicitarea 3D cu autobuz pe mijloc, care a fost gata in 10 – 15  minute. Muncă de echipa! Super distractiv pentru amândoi. Nu credeam ca o sa ne iasă atât de bine, dar instructiunile sunt foarte usor de parcurs. Mai mult a durat pana s-a dus tata sa cumpere lipici. In rest, pentru a o realiza, nu iti mai trebuie decat o foarfeca, hartie alba si, desigur, o imprimanta la care sa printezi sabloanele.

Am prins curaj cu felicitarea, asa ca am deschis categoria “Vehicule” si l-am lasat pe Vlad sa isi aleaga masina preferata. Si pentru ca e in perioada in care vrea sa se faca pompier atunci cand va fi mare, e de la sine inteles pe ce a pus ochii. Erau doua variante, dar – evident – a ales-o pe ASTA, adica pe cea mai dificila dintre ele. La care am lucrat 3 zile! Nici nu mai voia sa iesim in parc, atat de mult isi dorea sa terminam proiectul nostru.

Masina de pompieri e formata din 76 de piese de hartie minuscule. 76!!! Dar odată începută, nu mai puteam da inapoi. Mai ales ca Vlad punea presiune de gradul I pe mine – adică de-aia emoțională – sa termin mai repede. El lipea bucatile mai mari de hartie, eu decupam si lipeam cele mai mici detalii – faruri, scarite, oglinzi – caci masina e complet echipata! M-am folosit si de penseta, atat de meticulos am lucrat. Nu va mai spun ca am capatat si un torticolis de la pozitia in care decupam, lipeam, decupam si iar lipeam. Iar seara, inainte sa adoarma, copilul imi reamintea: “Abia astept sa fie gata masina de pompieri.” cat sa ma motiveze sa duc proiectul la bun sfarsit. Si chiar daca si acum mai gasesc lipici prin casa te miri unde, suntem amândoi mândri de rezultat. E masina facuta de noi, e cea mai cea! Si o puteti, desigur, admira la finalul acestui articol.

Cred ca daca aveti copii mai maricei si cu mai mult rabdare, cateva zile ati scapat de griji, pur si simplu lasandu-i sa descopere Creative Park.

Geniale mi se par decoratiunile pentru petreceri. Unele dintre ele pot fi inclusiv personalizate. Sincer, cel mai greu e sa-ti alegi modelele preferate. Chiar m-am gandit ca sigur m-as fi folosit de cateva dintre sabloane pentru nunta mea sau pentru botez. Ai nenumarate variante cu care poti bifa cu brio orice tematica de petrecere. Repet, iti trebuie doar lipici, hartie alba, foarfeca si o imprimanta la care sa printezi sabloanele gratuite.

Asa ca m-am gandit ca imprimanta Canon din imagini sa v-o fac cadou! Daca va doriti sa participati la acest concurs, trebuie doar sa imi raspundeti la urmatoarea intrebare:
“Pe care dintre sabloanele de pe Creative Park ati dori sa le realizati impreuna cu (sau pentru) copilul vostru?”
Va puteti alege un animal, o masina, o felicitare, o decoratiune de camera…orice va puteti imagina exista deja pe Creative Park.
Va astept mesajele timp de o saptamana, dupa care voi face tragerea la sorti. Intre timp, incerc sa il manipulez pe Vlad sa aleaga ceva mai simplu si rapid de facut, caci altfel iar lipsesc cateva zile de pe blog….  Va las totusi sa admirati masina de pompieri realizata de noi, in toata splendoarea ei:
EN: Creative Park is a FREE online service through which you can create gift cards, calendars, personalized frames and even wild animals. So in one word, this platform is a TREASURE. Vlad and I carefully inspected it, so I can explain to you step by step how it works. Creative Park offers free patterns which you can print out and instructions to build paper toys, gift cards for the rest of the family or decorations for his room, together with your child.
We thought we should start off with something easier, and we were right. There are simpler patterns, with which smaller children can work, and others for “advanced” ones, so for older children. After we analyzed the offer, we have chosen the 3D gift card with a bus in the middle, which was ready in 10 – 15  minutes. Teamwork! Super fun for both of us. I didn’t think it would turn out this well, but the instructions are very easy to go through. It took longer for dad to go buy us some glue. Other than that, all you need is some scissors, white paper and, of course, a printer for the patterns.
The gift card gave us courage, so we went on to the category “Vehicles” and I let Vlad choose his favorite car. And because this time around he wants to be a fireman when he grows up, it’s obvious what he chose. There were 2 options, but – obviously-he chose  THIS ONE, which is the most difficult of them all. We worked on it for 3 days! He didn’t even want to go to the park anymore, that’s how keen he was on finishing our project.
The firetruck is made from 76 tiny pieces of paper. 76!!! But once you begin, you can’t go back. Especially since Vlad was really pressuring me to get it done quicker. He would glue the bigger pieces together, I would cut out and glue the smaller details- headlights, stairs, mirrors- because the car is fully equipped! I had to use some tweezers, that’s how meticulous my work has been. I won’t tell you that I also got a stiff neck from my working position. And in the evening, before he fell asleep, the child would remind me: “I can hardly wait for the fire truck to be ready.” to motivate me. And even if I still find glue in random parts of the house, we are both very proud of the result. It’s the car we made, it’s the best! And of course you can admire it in the pictures above.
I think that if you have older children who have more patience, you’re out of worries for at least a few days, just by letting them discover Creative Park.
I find the party decorations are genius. Some of them can also be personalized. Honestly, the hardest part is choosing your favorite models. I even thought I would have definitely used some of the patters for my wedding or for the baptism. There are countless options to check every possible party theme. I repeat, you only need glue, white paper, scissors and a printer to print out the free patterns.
So I thought I would give out the Canon printer in the pictures! If you want to participate in this contest, all you have to do is answer the following the question:
“Which of the patterns from Creative Park would you like to create together with (or for) your child?”
You can choose an animal, a car, a gift card, a room decoration…anything you can imagine already exists on Creative Park.
I am expecting your messages for one week, after which I will randomly pick a winner. In the meantime, i am trying to manipulate Vlad into choosing something simpler and faster to do, because otherwise I will be missing from the blog for the next couple of days… I leave you with the pictures of the fire truck we made.

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