37 ani
Una dintre prietenele mele m-a mustrat recent ca am sarit peste aceasta aniversare ca si cand n-ar fi existat. Radea de mine ca deloc nu am dat domne’ importanta acestui “37”. Real e ca am petrecut aniversarea aceasta pentru prima oara departe de Radu si copii, in Cehia, unde eram invitata ca membru al juriului intr-un festival international de film. Asa ca pe de o parte mi se parea frumos ca ma prinde lucrand si intr-o postura asa onoranta, pe de alta parte imi lipseau foarte tare ai mei. Sentimente amestecate la aceasta aniversare.
E important de mentionat ca am ajuns exact la varsta pe care Radu o avea cand noi doi am inceput relatia. Sa se stie! 🙂 Eu nu aveam inca 19 ani impliniti, iar el avea 37. Si pentru ca diferenta era mare, foarte multi se simteau indreptatiti sa o comenteze pe Facebook sau pe ce alte canale mai gaseau ei disponibile acum 18 ani. Si radeam cu Radu ca – cel mai probabil niste copii – vorbeau despre el ca e “moshu”. Amandoi faceam (si mai facem inca) mistouri despre acest “moshu”, pronuntat intocmai cum era scris, fara diacritice, cu “sh”. Pentru ca niciodata pentru noi acea diferenta numerica nu a contat. Nu ne-am raportat la noi diferit, in baza acestei diferente. Nici macar glume legate de diferentele de generatii nu ne-a venit sa facem, pentru ca tot timpul ne-am simtit ca fiind in esenta la fel, cu aceleasi preocupari si cu aceleasi aspiratii.
Dar, revenind la aniversarea mea, DA, e clar, pentru acei copii-adolescenti-tineri care il considerau pe Radu un “mosh” la 37 de ani, eu sunt o “baba”. Va rog sa nu o cititi intr-un ton grav, caci eu nu ma simt deloc o baba 🙂 Si nici nu am probleme legate de procesul iminent de imbatranire. Nu imi numar ridurile, nu caut firele albe de par. Poate si pentru ca inca sunt distribuita in roluri sub varsta din buletin, nu stiu. Dar am senzatia ca nu ma va speria nici pe viitor aceasta imbatranire fizica.
Si iar imi aduc aminte de ce imi spunea Radu la inceput, ca pentru el numarul asta, 37, nu inseamna nimic si ca de pe la 28 nu simte sa se fi schimbat cu ceva. Doar au trecut anii… Ah, si acum il inteleg atat de bine! Da, la 28 – 29 de ani simti ca esti deja format si apoi… doar trec anii. Desigur, maternitatea te schimba. Dar te schimba indiferent la ce varsta apare. In rest, vorbind si cu prietenele mele de aceeasi varsta, risti sa ajungi sa te uiti la niste tineri de 20 de ani si sa simti ca si tu esti la fel. Si totusi nu esti. Caci ai in continuare zvacnirea aia, entuziasmul si cheful de aventura de la 20 de ani. Dar totusi ai devenit mai cinic, uite, esti si nostalgic! Esti cumva la mijloc, prins intre. Dar cand s-a produs schimbarea? Cand ei, cei de 20 de ani, au renuntat sa se mai uite la tine ca la una de-a lor? Caci m-am uitat la lumanarile cu 3 si 7 si nu am stiut ce reprezinta. Cand? Cum?
Si pentru ca marti am fost la Radio Guerilla la Stand Up Poetry si am recitat textul piesei lui Baz Luhrmann – Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen, il las si aici. Caci el sintetizeaza foarte bine perspectiva pe care o am acum, la treizeci si sapte de ani:
Ladies and gentlemen of the class of ’99
Wear sunscreen
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it
A long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists
Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable
Than my own meandering experience, I will dispense this advice now
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth, oh, never mind
You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth
Until they’ve faded, but trust me, in 20 years, you’ll look back
At photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now
How much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked
You are not as fat as you imagine
Don’t worry about the future
Or worry, but know that worrying
Is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing Bubble gum
The real troubles in your life
Are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind
The kind that blindsides you at 4 p.m. on some idle Tuesday
Do one thing every day that scares you
Saying, don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts
Don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours
Don’t waste your time on jealousy
Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind
The race is long and in the end, it’s only with yourself
Remember compliments you receive, forget the insults
If you succeed in doing this, tell me how
Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements
Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life
The most interesting people I know
Didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives
Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don’t
Get plenty of calcium
Be kind to your knees
You’ll miss them when they’re gone
Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t
Maybe you’ll have children, maybe you won’t
Maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the ‘Funky Chicken’
On your 75th wedding anniversary
Whatever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much
Or berate yourself either
Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s
Enjoy your body, use it every way you can
Don’t be afraid of it or what other people think of it
It’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own
Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your own living room
Read the directions even if you don’t follow them
Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly
Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good
Be nice to your siblings, they’re your best link to your past
And the people most likely to stick with you in the future
Understand that friends come and go
But a precious few, who should hold on
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle
For as the older you get
The more you need the people you knew when you were young
Live in New York City once but leave before it makes you hard
Live in northern California once but leave before it makes you soft
Accept certain inalienable truths
Prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too, will get old
And when you do, you’ll fantasize that when you were young
Prices were reasonable, politicians were noble
And children respected their elders
Respect your elders
Don’t expect anyone else to support you
Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you’ll have a wealthy spouse
But you never know when either one might run out
Don’t mess too much with your hair
Or by the time you’re 40 it will look 85
Be careful whose advice you buy but be patient with those who supply it
Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past
From the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts
And recycling it for more than it’s worth
But trust me on the sunscreen
In imagini port: hanorac si pantaloni ambele Parlor.ro, ochelari Lunet de la Ototo, tenisi Lasocki si geanta Marc Jacobs.
Oana/ 20.10.2022
Ce poezie frumoasă!
La mulți ani fericiți, cu întârzierea de rigoare.
Dana/ 20.10.2022
Multumesc frumos. E de fapt un cantec, bazat pe un articol din Chicago Tribune:
Corina/ 24.10.2022
Buna Dana.
As vrea tare mult sa-ti copii tinuta, imi poti spune te rog unde le pot gasi ?
Dana/ 26.10.2022
Buna, acum am adaugat si la finalul articolului: hanorac si pantaloni ambele Parlor.ro, ochelari Lunet de la Ototo, tenisi Lasocki si geanta Marc Jacobs.