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3, 2, 1… Pofta buna!

3, 2, 1… Pofta buna!

Sigur nu va spun absolut nimic nou, ca suntem cu totii in aceeasi mare nebunie. Totusi, cum sa facem sa castigam putin mai mult timp? Ma gandesc la asta la fiecare inceput de zi, cand incerc sa o organizez cum pot eu mai bine, mai eficient. Fac asta pentru ca timpul cu Vlad este important, pentru ca timpul cu Radu este important, pentru ca timpul nostru ca familie este important, dar si timpul meu, doar pentru mine, conteaza. Ei bine teoria e frumoasa, insa cand vine vorba sa imparti totul la 4… la 6, la 8, in functie de proiecte, de evenimente, de vreo filmare, practica devine tare grea! Cum sa faci?


EN: I’m sure it’s no news that we are all in the same madness. How can we gain a little bit more time? I think about that every morning, when I try to organize everything as good as I can, as efficient as possible. I’m doing this because the time I spend with Vlad is very important, the time I spend with Radu is important, our time as a family is important, but so is my time, just with myself. Well theory is great, but when it comes to dividing everything by 4… or 6, or 8, depending on projects, events, shootings, practice gets very difficult! How do you do it?

In plus trebuie sa ai grija si de casa, trebuie sa gatesti si ceva bun, pentru ca iti doresti o masa calda si o cina la care sa te asezi cu cei dragi si sa iti povestesti ziua. Asa ca… oare cum sa facem?

Una dintre “scurtaturile” mele este sa folosesc ingrediente de calitate care sunt deja pregatite. Incerc sa mananc sanatos, stiti deja acest lucru, insa imi place si sa ma relaxez gatind. Aleg in general retete usor de realizat, cu un timp scurt de preparare. Pe cele complicate le las pentru Craciun. Sau la Paste(le cailor)!

Asa ca azi va arat o noua reteta cu Macrou la gratar in ulei de masline de la RIO Mare si cuscus. A iesit senzational! Partea buna? Dureaza probabil 10 – 15 minute. Parte CEA mai buna? Gustul!

Va spun cum am facut-o, ca sa o incercati si voi, poate chiar in seara asta:

Am pus la fiert 350ml de apa, adica un vas mediu aproape plin. Am adaugat si putina sare si cand apa a inceput sa fiarba, am stins focul. In vasul cu apa am pus cuscusul (cam 300 de grame) si o lingurita de curry. Am acoperit vasul si l-am lasat in pace pe cuscus timp de 10 minute, iar cand am ridicat capacul l-am aerisit cu o furculita si l-am amestecat cu 6 linguri de ulei de masline. Cuscusul e gata cand granulele sale sunt umflate si cand toata apa a fost bine absorbita de acestea. Am prajit o mana de seminte de pin intr-o tigaie cateva minute, cat sa le iasa le iveala aroma aceea de nuci, apoi am taiat rosiile proaspete in sferturi (10 – 20 rosii cherry), rosiile uscate in fasii (in jur de 10 bucati) si prazul (1 – 2 fire) in rondele. Am pus putin ulei si sare peste toate legumele proaspat taiate si le-am amestecat apoi cu cuscusul. Am asezat cate 3 – 4 linguri de cuscus in fiecare farfurie si cate un file de macrou peste tot aranjamentul, ca sa arate perfect farfuria – ca pentru Instagram 🙂 Exista 4 sortimente de macrou la gratar in gama RIO Mare: macrou in suc propriu, macrou in ulei de masline extravirgin, cel in sos chilli si cel in sos barbecue. Pentru aceasta reteta merg atat macroul la gratar in suc propriu, cat si cel in ulei de masline – adica cel ales de mine. Ah, la final, am adaugat si 2 frunze de menta proaspata, sa fie de-a dreptul irezistibila combinatia!

Este o cina usoara, gustoasa si usor de preparat, insa poate sa fie la fel de bine si un pranz, pe care sa ti-l pregatesti la inceputul zilei si sa il iei la birou in cutii de plastic. Simplu, usor, rapid, sanatos, gustos… ideal, nu? Sa stiti ca macroul are multe beneficii pentru sanatatea noastra, fiind un peste cu continut ridicat de Omega 3, proteine, vitamine (E, K, D, A, C, B-uri) si minerale (calciu, potasiu, seleniu, magneziu). Deci cand enumar printre “rapid” si “gustos” atributul “sanatos”, nu o fac asa, la modul general, ci foarte serios. Chiar recent am participat la o conferinta despre alimentatia sanatoasa si ascultam cum e laudat acest tip de peste, asa ca m-am bucurat sa va prezint acum o reteta usoara, avandu-l ca ingredient central. De altfel, macroul este printre putinele tipuri de peste recomandate femeilor insarcinate, acizii grasi din el ajutand la dezvoltarea armonioasa a fatului.

Voi ce idei de retete mai aveti cu peste? Pentru ca la carte scrie ca se recomanda sa mancam 2 portii de peste pe saptamana, pentru sanatatea noastra. Asa ca astept propunerile voastre, dar si feedback pe reteta de mai sus. Pofta buna!

In poze port: pulover Koton, blugi Mango, cercei Zara.

Acest articol este realizat cu sprijinul RIO Mare. Va multumesc ca sustineti brandurile care sustin acest blog.

EN: Plus you have to take care of the house, you have to cook a good meal, because you want to sit down at the dinner table with the loved ones and talk about the day. So…what should we do?

One of my “shortcuts” is using quality ingredients which are already prepared. I try to eat healthy, you know that already, but I also like to relax while cooking. I usually choose recipes which are easy to make, in a short time. I leave the complicated ones for Christmas. Or for Easter (or for never)!

So today I want to show you a new recipe with the grilled mackerel in olive oil from RIO Mare with cuscus. It turned out great! The good part? It probably takes about 10-15 minutes. The BEST part? The taste!  

I’m going to tell you how I made it, so you can try it out yourselves, maybe even tonight:

I put a pot with 350ml of water on the stove, which is a medium bowl almost full. I also added some salt and when the water started boiling, I turned off the heat. I put the couscous in the water pot (about 300 g) and a tea spoon with curry. I covered the bowl and let it be for about 10 minutes, and when I lifted the lid I mixed it up with a fork and added 6 spoons of live oil. The couscous is done when its grains are swollen and when the water has been completely absorbed. In a pan, I fried a handful of pine seeds  for a few minutes, just to allow its nut flavor to come out, then I cut the fresh tomatoes (10-20 cherry tomatoes), the dried tomatoes (about 10 pieces) and the leek (1-2 threads). I put some oil and salt over the vegetables and mixed them with couscous. I put about 3-4 spoons of couscous on every plate and one mackerel filet over it, so the plate looks perfect – Instagram worthy:) There are 4 types of grilled mackerel in the RIO Mare range: mackerel in its own juice, mackerel in extra virgin olive oil, the one in chili sauce and the one in barbecue sauce. Both the mackerel in its own juice and the one in olive oil work for this recipe. Oh, and in the end I also added 2 leaves of fresh mint, so the combination is just irresistible!

It’s a light dinner, tasty and easy to prepare, but it can just as well be a lunch, which you make in the morning and take away with you at the office. Simple, easy, quick, healthy, tasty… ideal, right? You should also know that mackerel has lots of benefits for our health, due to its high content in Omega 3, proteins, vitamins (E, K, D, A, C, B) and minerals (calcium, potassium, selenium, magnesium). So, when I add “healthy” to “quick” and “tasty”, I really mean it.  Recently I attended a conference about healthy eating and I listened closely as this type of fish was highly praised, so I am happy to be able to present to you an easy recipe with it as the main ingredient. Mackerel is also one of the few types of fish recommended to pregnant women, because its fat acids help the development of the fetus.

What are your ideas for recipes with fish? Because it says by the book that we must eat about 2 portions of fish every week, for our health. So I am waiting for your proposals, but also for feedback for the recipe above. Enjoy your meal!

In the pictures I am wearing: Koton sweater, Mango jeans, Zara earrings.

This article is made with the help of RIO Mare. Thank you for supporting the brands which support this blog.

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 30.11.2018Reply

    Looks great 😉

  • Malina/ 30.11.2018Reply

    Cuscus-ul imi place cum l-ai preparat. O sa incerc si eu. Multumim de reteta;)

  • Ana/ 05.12.2018Reply

    Din ce in ce mai multa lume este preocupata sa manance sanatos si sa gateasca acasa. Pentru ca timpul este insa limitat si trebuie impartit pentru muulte activitati, ideile de cine rapide sunt foarte utile asa ca iti multumesc. Si noi folosim tot Rio Mare cand vine vorba de conserve de peste.

  • Cinema Film/ 14.01.2019Reply

    Multumim! O sa incercan si noi reteta.

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