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Proiect al toamnei, acasa

Proiect al toamnei, acasa

S-a racorit bine de tot afara, asa ca a trebuit sa accept pe deplin ca e toamna! Nu ca frunzele rosii si galbene nu ar fi fost un indicator suficient de bun, doar ca cele 20+ grade Celsius din saptamanile trecute imi permiteau sa mai tin inca paltoanele in saci. Nu-i bai. E sezonul perfect pentru a sta langa fereastra cu o patura deasupra, cu o bautura calda si o ciocolata neagra alaturi, in timp ce afara ploua sau bate vantul puternic.


EN: It’s really chilly outside, so I had to fully accept that autumn is here! Not that the red and yellow leaves weren’t a good enough hint, but the 20+ Celsius degrees from the past couple of weeks allowed me to still keep my winter coats in the back of my closet. That’s ok. It’s the perfect season to sit by the window wrapped in a warm blanket, with a hot drink a dark chocolate nearby, while outside it’s raining or there’s a strong wind. 

Zilele acestea, cand caldura trebuie sa vina din interior si cand toata lumea se aduna prin casa si isi face planuri pentru cadouri si sarbatori, eu totusi m-am gandit sa le luam pe rand. In primul si in primul rand: este toamna. Si mai vine si Haloween maine-poimaine. Asa ca am facut primul pas si am ales un colt din casa care sa devina noul meu Colt Neplictisitor. Un colt simpatic in care sa gasesti ceva nou nu doar in fiecare sezon, ci uneori chiar si in fiecare zi. Un colt la care sa lucrez, sa mesteresc impreuna cu Vlad, si care sa fie intr-o continua schimare. Un colt mobil este o idee si mai buna, asa ca am pornit acest “proiect” de la un platou de rachita generos, pe care sa il pot muta oriunde ne dorim.

Tartacutele si dovlecii sunt piesele principale, desigur. Dar, fiind un efort de echipa, va anunt ca amenajarea coltului este “work in progress”. De exemplu, coechipierul Vlad are rolul sa adune frunze din parc si sa le aranjeze frumos pe platou. Deja a primit aceasta tema si asteapta urmatoarea iesire in parc ca sa o indeplineasca.

Cred ca e frumos sa existe astfel de activitati cu cei mici, mini-proiecte de craft. Noua ne sunt foarte dragi, ne oferă mare satisfactie, si sunt convinsa ca multi parinti simt acelasi lucru, si aleg la randul lor sa le faca periodic alaturi de micuti. Este o varianta de activitate de familie neplictisitoare, care le ghideaza mintea catre ceva frumos, mai ales in sezonul rece.

Iar cand vreau ca aranjamentul sa evolueze in ceva absolut delicios, scot tabletele de ciocolata Heidi la inaintare. Nu stiu daca stiati deja, dar mare parte din procesul de creare a fiecărei ciocolate Heidi se realizează manual (!!!) de o echipă de ciocolatieri bine antrenați în această artă. Iar pentru mine acest “detaliu” este pur si simplu cuceritor. Plus ca sunt atatea arome si combinatii, care ofera atat de multe senzatii, cu singurul scop de a transforma ceva binecunoscut intr-o experienta complet noua. Cam la fel cum in acest moment, un colt al casei mele, se transforma dintr-un loc banal, intr-un spatiu al distractiei si al creativitatii. Pentru ca totul porneste de la dorinta de a realiza ceva cu mana ta si de a scapa de banalitate.

Voi aveti astfel de colturi neplictisitoare in continua evoluție in casa? Ati adunat frunze, ati cumparat dovleci din piata in perioada asta? Cum va decorati casa sau macar un colt de-al ei toamna aceasta?

In poze port: pulover Moschino, colier vintage, cercel si inele Mango.

Acest articol este sponsorizat de Heidi. Mulțumesc ca susțineti brandurile care sustin acest blog.

EN: On such days, when the warmth has to come from within and when everyone gathers around the house and makes plans for gifts and holidays, I thought we should take them one at a time. First and foremost: autumn is here. And Halloween is just around the corner. So I took a first step and I chose a corner in my house which could be my new Un-boring Corner. A cute corner where you can find something new not just on every season, but somedays on every day. A corner where I can work from, craft with Vlad, and which is in a continuous change. A mobile corner is an even better idea, so I started this project with a generous wicker platter, which I can move around however we like.  

The gourds and pumpkins are the key pieces, of course. But, since this is a team effort, I have to let you know that designing the corner is still “work in progress”. For example, teammate Vlad has to gather leaves from the park and place them nicely on the platter. He already received this assignment and is anxiously awaiting for his next trip to the park to fulfill it.  

I think it’s nice to have such activities with our little ones, mini craft projects. They are very dear to us, they give us lots of satisfaction, and I am sure many other parents feel the same way we do, and that they also choose to do them with the kids every now and then. It’s a very un-boring family activity, which guides their minds towards something beautiful, especially during the cold season.

And when I want the arrangement to evolve into something absolutely delicious, I take out the Heidi chocolate bars. I don’t know if you already know this, but the process of creating each Heidi chocolate is mostly done by hand (!!!) by a team of chocolatiers who are very well trained in this art. And to me this “detail” is simply adorable. Plus there are so many flavors and combinations, which give so many sensations, with the sole purpose of transforming something well-known into a completely new experience. Pretty much like the way a corner of my home is going from being a dull place to being a space for fun and creativity. Because everything begins with the desire of making something with your own hands and escaping boredom.

Do you have such un-boring corners in your home which are constantly evolving? Did you gather leaves, buy pumpkins from the market during this time? How do you decorate your house or at least one of its corners for this fall?

In the pictures I am wearing: Moschino sweater, vintage necklace, Mango earring and rings.

This article is sponsored by Heidi. Thank you for supporting the brands which support this blog.

  • Alexandra/ 28.10.2018Reply

    Si eu sunt o fana a ciocolatei negre 🙂 ( … numai neagra mananc). Ma bucur ca promovezi Heidi! Cat despre Haloween, nu’s fan. Coltul meu neplictisitor e balconul (se transforma in fiecare anotimp).
    Zi frumoasa si insorita!!! :*

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 28.10.2018Reply

    So cozy! Love it! 🙂

  • Produse Cosmetice Naturale/ 11.11.2018Reply

    Foarte fain imi place tare mult ! 🙂

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