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THE Camasa

THE Camasa

O noua camasa isi face (cu greu) loc in dressingul meu. – asta ca sa bifam partea de “fashion” a blogului. Si copilul s-a intors din tabara – asta pe partea de parenting. Travel nu am, momentan.


EN: A new shirt which can hardly fit into my wardrobe- that’s so we check the “fashion” part of the blog. And the child is back from camp- that’s the parenting part. Nothing about travel for now.

Copilul s-a intors din tabara si se cerea un update pe subiectul acesta si aici pe blog. L-am asteptat in fata gradinitei si eu si Radu de parca ar fi lipsit o luna de acasa, nu 2 nopti. Atat eram de emotionati. El a coborat din autocar strigand: “Nu mi-a placut in tabaraaaa!”. Tonul era cel de alint, asa ca nu l-am crezut din primul moment. Nu intotdeauna ce spune un copil e si ceea ce simte. De multe ori Vlad ne spune ceva doar ca sa ne testeze reactiile. Iar in cazul de fata stia ca noi asteptam de la el o reactie, un raspuns la intrebarea: “Cum a fost? Ti-a placut sau nu?” mai ales ca plecase cu sentimente contradictorii, cum e si firesc pentru o prima experienta de acest gen. Asa ca ne-am imbratisat, ne-am pupat, si dupa 5 minute ne-a marturisit entuziasmat, din senin, fara alte intrebari din partea noastra: “Stiti cat de mult mi-a placut!!! Am mers cu calutul, am sarit prin cauciucuri…” si a inceput sa ne povesteasca. Prima declaratie a fost un fel de credeam ca nu o sa imi placa, dar mesajul final ne-a convins ca a fost o experienta placuta pentru micutul nostru: “Mi-a placut foarte mult. Mai vreau in tabere.” A crescut incredibil de mult. O vad mai ales in felul in care gandeste. Trebuie sa fii mereu pe faza ca sigur pune la cale ceva…

Si ca sa ma intorc la imaginile de mai sus, cat timp copilul era in tabara, impreuna cu Radu am facut acest shooting, cu una dintre cele mai frumoase camasi din cate am vazut vreodata! M-am simtit super nice in tinuta asta. Voua cum vi se pare? Pro sau…mai bine pas? O vedeti si in miscare aici, pentru o mai buna analiza a problemei:


In poze port: camasa Baden11, pantaloni Venera Arapu, incaltaminte Uterque, geanta si cercei vintage.

EN: The child is back from camp and a small update on the subject is in order. Radu and I waited for him in front of the kindergarten as if he was gone for at least a month, instead of 2 nights. That’s how nervous we were. He got out of the bus shouting: “I didn’t like caaaamp!”. He sounded like he was only seeking attention, so at first we didn’t believe him. Not every time a child says something he/she actually means it too. Often Vlad only says things to us to test or reactions. And in this case he knew that we were expecting a reaction from him, an answer to the question: “How was it? Did you like it or not?” especially since he left with contradictory feelings, as is natural for such an experience, the first of its kind. So we hugged, kissed, and after 5 minutes he confessed with enthusiasm, out of the blue, without further questions on our part: “You know how much I liked it!!! We went horseback riding, we jumped through hoops…” and he began telling us all about it. The first statement was some sort of I didn’t think I would like it, but the final message convinced us it was a pleasant experience for our little one: “I liked it a lot. I want to go to other camps too.” He has grown up so much. I can tell especially by the way he thinks. You must always be prepared because he’s always up to something…

And to get back to the pictures above, while the child was in camp, Radu and I did this shooting, with one of the most beautiful shirts I have ever seen! I felt very nice in this outfit. What do you think of it? Pro or…better not? Above you can see it in motion, for a better analysis of the matter.

In the pictures I am wearing: Baden11 shirt, Venera Arapu pants, Uterque shoes, vintage bag and earrings.

  • Oana/ 20.04.2018Reply

    Este superba tinuta! Te prinde foarte bine!

  • Bella/ 20.04.2018Reply

    Foarte frumoasa, dar un pic cam greu de purtat mi se pare. 😀 Pantalonii sunt superbi!

  • Rokolla/ 20.04.2018Reply

    Mie îmi place mult cămașa. Cred ca am văzut-o astăzi și la Andra

  • Ela/ 20.04.2018Reply

    Speciala, non conformista.
    Singura problema pe care o am la astfel de camasi tine de partea practica, si anume: sunt imposibil de calcat! :))) Le intorc pe toate partile, ma trec toate caldurile, iar dupa 20 min de chinuiala, tot nu ajung la rezultatul dorit.

    • Dana/ 20.04.2018Reply

      Asta are manecile rigide, au o structura speciala. O sa o duc mereu la curatatorie, nu vreau sa risc.

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 20.04.2018Reply

    Amazing look!

  • Anca/ 21.04.2018Reply

    O camasa superba, m-am gandit si eu la partea practica.
    Cel mai important , dupa mine, e o silueta perfecta ca a ta.
    Restul e numai alegere.

  • Mia/ 22.04.2018Reply

    Foarte frumoasa intreaga tinuta. Nu stiu dac-as purta o asemenea camasa, dar iti admir tinuta. 😀

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