Dragi prieteni, am fost nominalizată la Elle Style Awards si in acest an si, daca va doriti, imi puteti acorda votul vostru aici.
EN: Dear friends, for the second year in a row, I have been nominated for the Elle Style Awards and, should you wish to do so, you can vote for me here.
M-am bucurat sa vad ca am fost si in acest an nominalizata la Elle Style Awards, la categoria Best Fashion Blogger. Anul trecut, datorita voturilor voastre, am si castigat la aceasta sectiune, iar aia chiar a fost o mare surpriza.
Din punctul meu de vedere, stilul vestimentar trebuie să reflecte personalitatea fiecăruia, trebuie să vorbească despre omul din spatele hainelor. Așadar, miza mea din ultimii ani a fost sa incerc sa fiu un om mai bun. Atat. Am investit mai mult in mine, decat in haine si alte “artificii”. Am citit mai mult, am văzut mai multe filme si spectacole de teatru, am călătorit mai mult… pentru ca eu cred acestea sunt de fapt premizele cu adevărat importante, pe care – în mod firesc – stilul vestimentar le poate transmite mai departe. Altfel, daca lucrezi doar la “ambalaj”, ceva la un moment dat o sa scartie. O sa existe o lipsa de autenticitate, de coerenta, care poate avea farmecul ei, dar pana la un punct. Tocmai de aceea consider ca o femeie ajunge sa aiba un stil clar conturat abia cand ajunge sa se cunoasca cu adevarat, sa stie cine e si ce vrea de fapt de la viata asta. Restul e doar joaca.
Imaginile de mai sus cu Hooded Moon UNISEX Grey le-am facut in ultima excursie in Amsterdam. Frumos oras, foarte frumos, vi-l recomand macar ca varianta de City Break.
Mai sunt doar 2 zile pana cand Rulota Moon va fi din nou in AFI Cotroceni. Pregatirile sunt in toi. In dormitor se fac probe cu luminile vitrinelor (vedeti pe contul meu de Instagram), iar in Moon Studio vin stocuri noi de sute de hanorace. La rulota veti putea vedea/pipai/proba hanoracele Moon si veti putea alege mai usor culoarea si masura potrivite. Iar daca nu ajungeti in Bucuresti in luna urmatoare, atunci cred ca imaginile de magazinul, dar si videourile cu tinute in miscare va pot fi de ajutor in alegerea modelului preferat.
EN: I was happy to be nominated for the Elle Style Awards, in the category Best Fashion Blogger, this year again. Last year, thanks to your votes, I won the first prize, which really was a big surprise.
If you want my opinion, the way we choose our clothes should reflect our personalities, it should say something about the person behind them. So, my stake for the past years has been to try and be a better person. That’s it. I have invested more in myself, than in clothes and other “perks”. I have read more, I have seen more movies and theatre plays, I have travelled more… because I believe these are the important premises which fashion style can naturally pass on. Otherwise, if you only work on the “packaging”, something will eventually break. There will be a lack of authenticity, coherence, which can have its charm, but until up to a certain point. That’s why I consider that a woman will only develop a true style once she gets to know herself, once she knows who she really is and what she actually wants in life. The rest is just a game.
The pictures above in the Hooded Moon UNISEX Grey were taken during our last trip to Amsterdam. Beautiful city, very beautiful, I highly recommend it, at least as a city break option.
There are only 2 days left until the Moon Trailer will be in AFI Cotroceni again. We are in full preparations. In the bedroom we are testing the window display lighting (check out my Instagram account), and in Moon Studio we have stocks of hundreds of hoodies coming in. In the trailer you can see/ touch/ try on the Moon hoodies and you can choose the right size and color more easily. And if you don’t come to Bucharest in the next month, then I think the images from the online shop, but also the videos with the outfit on the move can be very helpful while choosing your favorite model.
Roxy/ 21.11.2017
Cu siguranta te votez.Mereu o fac cu mare drag.Ador hanoracele ??.Multa bafta!!
Ioana/ 21.11.2017
Am votat! :*
Irina Stefanescu/ 22.11.2017
Te-am votat, esti superba, in fiecare zi deschid acest blog sa imi iau portia de prospetime, optimism, fashion, make-up,…everything!Multumesc pentru inspiratie Dana, mi-as dori sa te cunosc personal!
Mihaela/ 22.11.2017
votat 🙂
Irina Stefanescu/ 22.11.2017
Te-am votat! Esti superba, ma inspiri in fiecare zi cu atitudinea ta, frumuseatea, mindsetul, intru pe blog doar pentru a-mi lua portia zilnica de prospetime si optimism. Sper sa te cunosc personal intr-o zi!
Ewa Macherowska/ 22.11.2017
Love the look! <3
Anca B./ 22.11.2017
Am votat cu mare drag!
Irina/ 22.11.2017